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2484 Petitioner's Exhibit No. 253.
the purpose of working in co-operation with the manufacturers, importers, jobbers and exhibitors of the films and accessories to improve the service now furnished the public, to protect each other in the matter of credits and all other conditions affecting our mutual welfare, and in general to take such action as will be appropriate to improve the conditions of the trade.
"Be it further resolved, That all film-renting exchanges be invited to join and affiliate with this movement.
"Be it further resolved, That the initiation fee for charter members of the association be the sum of $200, $100 of which is to be paid on the completion of this organization and the balance to be paid ninety days from date. To be in force until November 30, when the association shall meet in Chicago, after which date the amount for initiation shall be $400. The annual dues to be $100, payable $25 quartely in advance.
"That the officers of this association shall be a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary and treasurer, who shall perform the usual duties appertaining to their respective offices and who shall be ex-officio the members of the executive committee, with four others, who shall manage the affairs of the association.
"That the annual meeting of this association shall be held at a time and place to be selected by the executive committee, such time to be during the last week of January of each year, at which annual meeting the officers for the ensuing year shall be elected.
"Resolved, That the executive committee be authorized to engage counsel and incur other necessary preliminary expense to complete the organization of this association and that an assessment of $25 be paid by each member as the first installment of his subscription of $200, to the treasurer at once, the balance of the said installment of $100 to be paid at the next meeting of this association, to be held at Chicago, November 30, 1907, at which time a constitution and by-laws, to be prepared by the executive committee, shall be submitted to the association for action."
The following were adopted as planks in a platform for the association and which all present signed :
"1. The renting interests enrolled as members to pur