In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Fred C. Aiken, Reoross Examination. 2567 know, that any form of the theatrical business is more or less speculative and hazardous? A. Yes, sir. Recross examination by Mr. Grosvenor : Q. In what sense is it a theatrical business? A. Any business that is a form of amusement. Q. You think it is theatrical? A. Yes, sir. That is what I would term as theatrical. Redirect examination by Mr. Kingsley: Q. Is the price of the motion pictures to the exhibitor governed by the age? A. Yes, sir. Q. When you say that the price of the motion pictures to the exhibitor is governed by the age, do you mean the physical age of the motion picture, or the time that it has been released? A. I mean the time. Q. That it has been released? A. That it has been released, yes, sir. Q. When you sell a motion picture service to an exhibitor, do you quote him a sum for a whole program? A. We usually quote him a price for the program, to be changed once a week, or twice, or seven times. Q. And what does the ordinary program consist of? A. Usually three subjects. Q. Three subjects a day? A. Yes, sir. Q. Changed how many times? A. Changed daily. Q. And in furnishing such a program, do you endeavor to give him a balanced program? A. We do. Q. What do you mean by a balanced program? A. We give him a program of one subject of drama, one subject a comedy, or topical, or educational, and one subject of western, or pictures of that character; in other words, we endeavor to give him a program of variety. Q. Would it be feasible, in making up this program, to distinguish between the different pictures as to merit and desirability, and then fix different values upon each picture, and carry out the resulting bookkeeping problem? A. I would not think that it would, no, sir. Q. Do you find it more feasible to furnish a program in the way that you are now furnishing it? A. Yes, Ave find it more feasible. There never have been any objections.