In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Charles A. Feexleii, Direct Examination. 2017 atres been increased by the General Film Company since you have been taking service from it? A. No, sir. Q. Was the price of your motion picture service increased at any time by the Pittsburgh Calcium Light Company before you began to take service from the General Film Company? A. Yes, sir. Q. In what respect was that? A. Well, I paid as high as $100.00 a week for my service, in fact I paid $75.00 a week for my service up to about a little over a year ago. I was taking for one house. Q. Then you began taking for two houses? A. Then I began taking for two houses. Q. What rate did you pay for the two houses? A. Sixty dollars a week for each house. Q. Was it the same service, four-reel service? A. Well, I was getting four reels of clear pictures at that time. Q. And you were paying $100.00? A. Yes, sir. Q. What sort of a service did you get later for a smaller sum? A. I got service that was satisfactory for $60.00; 3 clear pictures, and a repeater repeated back and forth. Q. What was the increase that was made in the price of your program by the Pittsburgh Calcium Light Company? A. I asked them what their rate was. I had no way of ascertaining the rate — their regular rates per film, and they set a price of $100.00. Q. These were all clear pictures, these four? A. Yes, but they were rather old, because we did not have much opposition, and it did not make much difference to me, as long as they were clear all the time. Q. What do you mean by a clear picture? A. A picture that lias never been shown in the town before. Q. Is one of your pictures now, you say, a repeater in each program? A. Yes. Q. It has been shown in the town before? A. In my house. I repeat from one house to the other. Q. You yourself have been the repeater in one of your houses? A. Yes, sir. Q. So that this fourth picture is taken from one program to the other? A. Yes. Q. So that as a matter of fact, where you were getting four new pictures a day, yon are now getting only SV2, if you average the two houses? A. Yes.