In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Robert G. Peltier, Direct Examination. 2645 Q. Have you since that time, advertised your programs? A. Yes, sir. Q. During the period that you have been interested in the motion picture theatre business in Mount Clemens, have you been familiar with the prices of motion picture service? A. Yes, sir. Q. Taking into consideration the number of reels you give, or the program that you show today, and the number of reels you gave, or the program that you exhibited in 1908 and 1909, what do you say as to whether the prices have increased or diminished? A. They have diminished considerably, I should think. Q. What service were you renting in 1909, and by that I mean, what character of program were you furnishing? A. In 1909? Q. Yes. A. I think I was taking three reels four times a week, twelve reels a week. Q. What did you pay for that service? A. Forty-five dollars. Q. What service are you using today? A. I am using twenty-eight reels. Q. A week? A. Yes, sir. Q. What are you paying for them? A. Fifty-five dollars. Q. What kind of projecting machine do you use, Mr. Peltier? A. A Powers. Q. Have you always used a Powers? A. Yes, always. Q. Do you know the model? A. Yes, sir; a Xo. 6A, the latest model. Q. What do you say as to whether the character, quality, and artistic excellence of motion pictures have improved or fallen off in the past few years? A. They have improved wonderfully, in my opinion. Q. Do you find that the manufacturers are competing among themselves with respect to the character and quality of pictures? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do they advertise their pictures? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you receive circulars and advertisements urging you to demand a certain kind or brand of pictures from your exchange? A. Yes, sir; plenty of literature. Q. Are you solicited by the independents from time to time? A. Once in a while. Q. Do they offer you any inducement in the way of price