In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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2700 John F. Hexxegax, Cross Examination. * ture, "Wild Animals at Large/' and a Comedy reel, "In Time for Work." Q. Do you have any competitors in your immediate neighborhood? A. Yes, sir; three, right next door. Q. What is the seating capacity of your theatre? A. Three hundred. Q. What service is used by your competitors? A. One uses the Universal, and one the Mutual, and the other the General. Q. What is the seating capacity of the other respective houses? A. They all run about 300. Q. Have you at any time, as an exhibitor, had difficulty in keeping your programs clear? A. We had no difficulty at all in keeping it clear with the General service. Q. Did you use to have any difficulty? A. Well, we never ran anything but General service. We never had any difficulty. Q. How do the prices for the program you are now using in the Lubin Theatre compare with the prices you were paying in 1909? A. Well, the prices are considerably less, and the pictures far superior — no comparison whatever. 3 There has been such a vast improvement. We paid for our service f 150.00 a week originally, and now it averages with the General Film Company, when we run their pictures, about $100.00 a week. Q. How many reels did you use in 1909? A. Well, we ran 2 reels. Very seldom that we ran 3. Q. How many reels do you use now? A. Three reels when we run General Film service, but when we run features, like we are running, "Caprice" this week, there are 5 reels in that. It is a special picture. 4 Cross examination by Mr. Grosvexor: Q. You sold out this Magnetic Film Company in 1910, to the General Film Company? A. In November, 1910, 1 think it is. The exact time. Q. How did you happen to sell? A. Well, I heard that the General Film Company had taken over — well, previous to that, I had seen an article in the Moving Picture World, I think it was, about an organization known as the General Film Company. Q. You knew that the General Film Company had prior