In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Houston N, Morgan, Direct Examination. 2769 Q. How long have you been a resident of St. Louis? A. A little over 14 years. Q. In what business are you engaged? A. In the exhibiting of motion pictures. Q. How long have you been an exhibitor of motion pictures? A. Well, I think it is about 18 years, or 19. Q. Are you the owner or operator of a theatre at present? A. I am the manager of the New American Theatre, located in East St. Louis, at present. Q. What is the seating capacity of your theatre? A. Six hundred nine. Q. How long have you been the manager of that theatre? A. About 7 weeks. Q. Prior to that time, were you engaged in the motion picture exhibiting business? A. Yes, sir. Q. In what capacity, and in what location? A. As manager. Q. Of a theatre? A. Of the Easton Taylor Theatre. Q. Where was that theatre located? A. In the City of St. Louis, on Easton Avenue. Q. What is the seating capacity of that house? A. About 600. Q. How long were you the manager of it? A. From the opening of it, after Ave closed the Bonita Airdoine, September 20th, until I went across the river to East St. Louis, which would be, I think, about 6 or 7 weeks. Q. How long was the Bonita Airdome open? A. All Summer. Q. Were you the manager of that during the Summer? A. From the 22nd of July. Q. Prior to the 22nd of July, 1913, what were you doing? A. One year's time before that, I was the manager of the Gem Theatre on 6th Street. Q. What was the seating capacity of the Gem Theatre? A. Nine hundred and something. Q. Was that in St. Louis? A. In St. Louis, yes, sir. Q. What was the capacity of the Bonita Airdome? A. Well, we could get in about twelve to fifteen thousand people. We had a seating capacity of about three thousand. A little over three thousand. Q. You say you had been manager of the Gem for part of the year? A. Yes, sir.