In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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2774 Houston N. Morgan, Direct Examination. A. It was to get it from the Western Film Exchange here in St. Louis. Q. And the opposition got it from the Yale Film Exchange? A. And the opposition sent in to Kansas City and got it from the Yale Company. Q. What types of projecting machines have you used in your various houses? A. Well, Edison, Powers, Simplex, Motiograph, and also everything that has been made. Q. Can you name any more? Do these types embrace practically all you have ever used? A. Every one. I use more Powers than any other machine. Q. During your experience in the motion picture business in St. Louis were you ever connected with a motion picture exchange? A. Yes, sir. Q. What exchange was that? A. The St. Louis Film & Supply Company. Q. Did the St. Louis Film & Supply Company deal in the licensed or unlicensed motion pictures? A. Unlicensed. Q. How long were you connected with that company? A. Five weeks or about six weeks. Q. In what capacity did you work there? A. My official title was assistant manager. Q. Was it a part of your duty to work up new business for the exchange? A. Yes, sir. Q. How long had the exchange been running before you became connected with it? A. About three days. They practically had not opened up, they had just started. Q. At what time was this that you were connected with this exchange? A. In the latter part of December, 1911, until in the latter part of January or the first of February, 1912, I believe. I would not be sure as to the exact dates. Q. What brands of unlicensed motion pictures were exhibited by the St. Louis Film Supply Company? A. We had the Rex, and in fact all they made. That was before the split in the unlicensed, and there was only one company then. At the present time there is the Mutual and the Universal. A split between the independents has taken place since then. At that time they were all together and we handled the Bison, the Flying A, the Thanhauser, the Rex and the Imp. Well, I could not name them. Q. If you think of any more name them? There were quite a number of them? A. The Eclair, and did I mention the Reliance?