In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Houston N. Morgan, Direct Examination. 2775 Q. No. A. The Reliance. Well, I can't offhand tell all. Q. You had them all? A. Yes, sir, everything, the Ambrosia. Q. Did the St. Louis Film Supply Exchange furnish a complete motion picture program? A. Yes, sir, absolutely. Q. How many motion picture theatres became customers of the St. Louis Film Supply Company? A. In this vicinity? Q. Yes? A. Well, I couldn't tell you the exact number, but we had quite a number of them. I know in the five weeks I was there we took on fifteen hundred and eighty-five dollars' worth of business per week, but as to the exact number of theatres I could not tell you. Q. What were the circumstances of your terminating your relationship with the St. Louis Film Supply Company? A. Our opposition exchange, the Swanson-Crawford Company, bought the St. Louis Film Supply Company, and got them to retire from the field. Q. What service was the Swanson-Crawford Company furnishing at that time, the licensed or the unlicensed? A. The unlicensed, the same brands and makes of pictures that we were handling. Q. At the present time do the unlicensed exchanges, or their representatives solicit you for business? A. Oh, yes, every week we receive a call from them. Q. Do they offer to furnish you a complete program? A. Absolutely, yes, sir. Q. Do they, as a matter of fact, furnish complete programs to the various motion picture houses here in St. Louis? A. Yes, sir, and they have furnished them to me at the Gem Theatre. Q. Do you have any competitor in your immediate neighborhood who is using the same service as yourself? A. To-day? Q. Yes? A. Yes, sir, just two blocks from me. Q. From what exchange are you obtaining your service? A. The General Film Company's exchange at Grand and Oliver Streets here in this city. Q. What is the name of your competitor who is also using the licensed service? A. Mr. Redmond, at the Lyric Theatre. Q. What is the seating capacity of that theatre? A. I am guessing at that. I am told it is about between five and six hundred. I never was in the house in my life.