In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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277G Houston N. Morgan, Direct Examination. Q. Do you have any difficulty in keeping your program clear from Mr. Redmond's program? A. None whatever. Q. Do both obtain their supply from the same exchange? A. Yes, sir. When we went to the General Film to make arrangements for from twenty to thirty-five reels, the manager told me that "Mr. Redmond lias a contract Avith us for so much money for so many reels, and now if you want thirty-five reels, your fifth reel possibly quite often will be a repeater on his house," and I took my service with that understanding, but they were to keep me in the clear as far as time was concerned as much as they could, which they have done up to the present time. Q. What do you mean by "keeping you in the clear in respect to time?" A. When I repeat on Mr. Redmond they go way back and give me, not his latest run, but some he ran back thirty or sixty or ninety days ago. He has been running the service quite a while. Q. In your experience in the motion picture business here in St. Louis, have you had any experience or any knowledge of competition between houses where one was owned or partially owned by the manager of an exchange or by an exchange owner? A. I certainly did, and paid for my experience. Q. Tell us something about that? A. I mentioned in my testimony a moment ago of running the McKinley Theatre, at 2212 South Jefferson Street. Just below me, I think one block and a half, or two blocks, is the Gravoise Theatre, owned by what is called or was called at that time The Crawford Syndicate. At this time I was running the Swanson-Crawford program of independent pictures, not paying only for what was called the "commercial service," why, I had to repeat everything after the Gravoise Theatre. I do not expect I had in all the time I was there, tea clear reels that had not been shown at the Gravoise before that, Q. With what exchange was The Crawford Syndicate affiliated? A. The Swanson-Crawford. Q. Have you had any experience as to competition or knowledge of competition where there were two theatres using licensed programs, one of which was owned or par tially owned by the representative or owner of a license. I exchange? A. Not that I ever knew of, no, sir.