In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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2798 Joseph Mogler, Direct Examination. strong program there. I always feel out to find out whether I get some of their Keystones to mix up with my program. Q. What do you mean by "Keystones?" A. Well, the people seem that they lean towards that Keystone. It Is a comedy film, and it is a rousing comedy, like a film that I put on here about two months ago that they called "The Riot" and it was a riot. People came to me and said "it is a picture you ought to put on, it is great," and I put it on, and it was great. Q. You found it was a good drawing card? A. Yes, sir. Then there is even another exhibitor north of me — I am at 3900 North and this is at 5300 North, and he calls that theatre the Lowell Theatre, owned by Blomenthal. Q. He runs the unlicensed service? A. Yes, sir, and he saw it up there and it was a great picture. Q. Are you solicited from time to time by representatives of the unlicensed exchanges to change your service and use the unlicensed program? A. They call on me, and I run their service too, that is special service. Q. Do the representatives of the unlicensed exchanges offer to furnish you with a complete program if you will make the change? A. Well, the Mutual has asked me for a split service. Q. And by that do you mean a service that would be part independent and part licensed? A. Yes, sir. Q. How do the prices which they quote to you compare with the prices — A. He never would quote prices, that is for a split service, but when I go in there and get a reel he would charge me five dollars for it, and I thought that was a little high and that made me a little sore against them for doing that. I didn't think that was just right. Q. In your capacity as an exhibitor of motion pictures do you observe whether or not the unlicensed producers of motion pictures are showing enterprise and progress in their work? A. Generally the Association pictures I must say I am very familiar with, and I can say they are very entertaining to my people. I judge it from the way my people patronize them. Q. Do you mean the licensed pictures are showing improvement? A. Yes, sir, owing to the fact of them catering— and then their pictures that they get out, they are very careful with, and they are not suggestive. I find on the other hand that the other people are a little bit radical about