In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Henry K. Slocum, Direct Examination. 2803 Q. Did you continue on the road for the Swanson-Crawford Film Exchange Company? A. Yes, sir. Q. At the time that the Swanson-Crawford Film Exchange Company was organized, did it have any stock of motion pictures on hand? A. A working stock? Q. Yes. A. Oh, yes. Yes. Quite a large stock. Q. What stock did it have? What did it comprise? A. In the way of reels, and so forth? Q. Yes. The amount and quality and character of the reels? And approximately, the number? A. Well, we had at — I could not say as to the number of reels we had. We had a very large stock and the very latest releases up until the time they lost their license, I understand. Q. But you had a large stock of film on hand? A. Oh, yes; I would say safely running up to three thousand reels. Q. This stock comprised, did it not, all the stock of the O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Company and the Western Company, which they had on hand July 19th, 1910? A. Yes, sir. Q. And what was the cash business, to the best of your knowledge, that was being done by the O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Company at the time of its cancellation? Mr. Grosvexor: I object. This witness has not been shown to have had any familiarity with the books, or in regard to the amount of business done by the Crawford Company. He was merely, as I understand, the traveling representative, or a traveling representative. By Mr. Kingsley: Q. Were you back and forth, in and out of St. Louis at that time? A. Yes, sir, every week — Q. In 1910? A. Yes, sir. Most every week. Q. Did you report to the O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Company each week that you returned here? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you keep in touch with the business of the O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Company? A. Why, I kept in mind pretty much all the time what they were doing, yes.