In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Max Milder, Cross Examination. 2835 for the exchange to fulfill its promise? A. Because they had no way of figuring whether or not — well, they had no system, they had no way of conducting their business that was accurate. They were very lax in the things that they did. If they booked a film to a man, say, for use on next Thursday, perhaps it was shipped out of town on Wednesday, and possibly they kept no record of it, and it went elsewhere, and it was not returned in time for use on Thursday. Q. I am not asking you about what they did, but about the possibilities. Was it possible for the Lake Shore Film Company to supply a film on a definite date if it promised to do so? Mr. Kixgsley: One particular film? The Witness: One particular film or program? Thejr frequently promised a man a film on a certain day, and gave it to him. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. And was there anything to prevent them doing it? A. Except the system of doing business, the laxity in it. There was nothing to prevent them in doing it if they had carried out their promises. Q. You didn't have charge of the booking, did you? A. No, sir. Q. Are there any distinct territorial lines which separate the territory of your branch office of the General Film Company from the territory of the neighboring branches? A. We practically work the State of Louisiana only, witli the exception of a few towns where shipments can be made better from our office than from the other offices. Q. Have you made up any list of the theatres embraced in your territory? A. No, sir. Q. How did you arrive at this number of three hundred that you testified to on direct examination? A. I have covered the territory, and I feel that I know there are an equivalent number of houses in the towns, or in the greater number of the towns that we are supplying, that are supplied by the other companies, and if our business would