In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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E. BOEHRINGER, CROSS EXAMINATION. 2841 Q. Are you solicited by the exchanges from time to time to take their service exclusively? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do they offer you a complete program for your house? A. Yes, sir. Q. What kind of projecting machines do you use? A. T use at present — I always try to keep up with the latest machines. I started with the Powers Model 5. That was when I started business, and I kept that until they got out the Powers Model 6, and when they got the Powers Model GA, I used that. Q. Are those the only models you ever used? A. I have used Edison, but they did not give me the satisfaction that the Powers Model 6 gave me, so I used that afterwards. Cross examination by Mr. Grosvenor : Q. There are three regular moving picture theatres in Baton Rouge, two that you own, and then this large one that has 000 seats? A. Yes. There is another one there, a small house of 300 seating capacity. They use a good deal of vaudeville, but it seems they have trouble with the managers there. They come and go, and they open and close up. You can't never tell. Q. So there are three regular theatres that are open right along, and one which is open occasionally? A. This one that is open occasionally, ran continuously for fourteen months. It is only lately that they have been closing up. Q. What independent pictures have you shown in tin1 Dreamland Theatre? A. I have used some of the Famous Players, and I used some for my house from an agent by the name of Brennan in New Orleans. Some from Millins. Several from him. And then I used several other independent pictures. The "Fall of Gettysburg" — I showed that. Q. Are you showing any independent pictures there this week? A. Yes, sir. Q. Which ones? A. "The Gunmen of New York." T show that next Sunday. For Friday, I cannot think of the name right now, but I booked it just before T left. We are having a fair there, and T booked three of them, one each for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The one for Saturday is "The Bandits of Paris." I can't think of the others now.