In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Charles O. Baumaxx, Direct Examination. 2869 Q. What patent? A. Camera patents. No. 12,037, I believe is the number of your patent. Q. What became of the suit brought by the Motion Picture Patents Company against the New York Motion Picture Company regarding which you have just testified, and in which your company consented to an injunction? A. The case was dropped after the adverse decision by the Court of Appeals against the Patents Company. Q. When was the Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Company formed? A. 1910. Q. Do you recall the month in 1910 when the Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Company was organized? A. May or June, and began business in July. Q. What was the Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Company? A. An organization handling the product of all of the unlicensed producers of America, as well as importers. Q. Who were the members of the new corporation? A, Mr. Laemmle, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Powers, Mr. Thanhouser, Mr. Oes, Mr. Offerman, and myself. Q. With what company was Mr. Oes connected? A. Importer. The Great Northern Film Company. Mr. Grosvenor : I object to this entire line of exination as immaterial, and side of the issues in this case. amination as immaterial, and going into matters out By Mr. Kingsley: Q. With what company was Mr. Offerman connected? A. Eclair. Q. Did each of the members of the Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Company whom you have mentioned, represent a firm or corporation which was producing motion pictures? A. Yes. Q. Did they own shares in equal amounts in the Motion Picture Sales & Distributing Company? A. Yes. (}. Do you know anything about the Carlton Lalvoratories? A. Yes. Q. Who organized the Carlton Laboratories? A. Myself. Q. When did you organize them, Mr. Raumann? A. 1910.