In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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2S(Jl John Collier, Direct Examination. Thereupon, JOHN COLLIER, the next witness produced by the defendants, of lawful age, being duly sworn by the Examiner, deposes as follows : Direct examination by Mr. Kingsley: Q. Where do you live, Mr. Collier? A. Sparkill, New York. Q. Where is your place of business? A. 70 Fifth Avenue. Q. Are you connected with any organization or institution at the address mentioned? A. With the National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures, and the People's Institute. Q. What is the People's Institute, Mr. Collier? A. The People's Institute is an organization supported by voluntary contributions doing educational work, civic educational work among the immigrants of the East Side and the wage-earners generally. Q. What is the connection of the National Board of Censorship with the People's Institute? A. The People's Institute is one of the constituent bodies that make up the National Board, and was the organization that brought about the creation of the National Board. Q. When was the National Board of Censorship organized? A. In March, 1909. Q. Did you participate in the formation of the National Board of Censorship? A. Yes, I was then the Secretary of the People's Institute, and the Board was started by Prof. Charles Sprague Smith, the Director of the People's Institute, and myself. Q. What were the circumstances which led up to the formation of the National Board of Censorship? A. The moving picture shows were being assailed and pursued because of the quality of the films — Mr. Grosvenok: I enter objection to this examination, on the ground that it is irrelevant, and has no bearing on any of the issues in the case; I understand that this objection applies to all of the examination of this witness, without my repeating it. Mr. Kingsley: It may be so understood. The Witness: In December of 1908 the Mayor of New York closed all the moving picture shows in New York be