In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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290G Defendants' Exhibit No. 133. 1 OTHER INDEPENDENT COMPANIES The Crucible The Pursuer Pursued Village School Days The Relic The Path of Genius 2 reels Desert Gold 2 reels A Birthday Present The Impostor Getting a Suit Pressed The Reform Candidate 3 reels The Rival Barbers All's Well that Ends Well The Musician's Wife The Green-Eyed Devil 2 reels Our Mutual Girl Series 6 When Fate .Frowned The Scientist's Doll The Tribesman 2 reels The picture A Child of the Desert was passed subject to the elimination of the subtitle "I Will Stake that Beauty against your Win American a Apollo Broncho Kay Bee a Komic Majestic it Princess Reliance Thanhouser American The Picture A Film Johnny Keystone was passed subject to eliminating the two vulgar gestures which Johnny makes with his fingers to his nose. The picture Between Showers Keystone was passed subject to the following eliminations: (1) Eliminate the gestures which the character you call "another gallant'' makes with his finders to his nose. (2) Eliminate the act of Sterling biting the girl's nose.