In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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2910 J. Wesley Rosenqueist, Direct Examination. By Mr. Kingsley: Q. You spoke of manufacturers not now submitting subjects which they knew would be rejected. Did you mean by that that such subjects are prepared by the manufacturers and not submitted to the Board of Censorship, and nevertheless put on the market? A. No, I mean, a manufacturer inadvertently gets from his studio a film where there have been scenes, or a plot inadvertently made, such as our Board would condemn, and, knowing our standard, does not submit the film to us, but suppresses it, or that importers of films frequently receive films from Europe, a character of film they know we would condemn, and they reject it and return it, and never submit it to us. Mr. Grosvenor : No cross examination. Thereupon, J. WESLEY ROSENQUEST, the next witness produced by the defendants, of lawful age, being first duly sworn by the Examiner, deposed as follows: 3 Direct examination by Mr. Kingsley: Q. What is your business? A. Theatrical business. Q. Do you own or operate a theatre? A. Yes, sir, the Fourteenth Street Theatre, now. Q. el ust where is the Fourteenth Street Theatre located? A. At Nos. 105, 107 and 109 West Fourteenth Street. Q. What kind of program do you have at the Fourteenth Street Theatre? A. Moving picture and vaudeville combined. Q. Did you use motion pictures as a part of your pro 4 gram in 1908? A. Yes, sir. Q. In 1908, when you were using motion pictures as a part of the program in your theatre, from what rental exchange did you procure them? A. From George Kleine, who at that time had an exchange on 6th Avenue, in the neighborhood of 37th or 38th Street. Q. And for how long a period did you continue to secure motion pictures from George Kleine? A. From September 27th, 1908, to January 31st, 1909. Q. From whom did you secure motion pictures after