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In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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21)14 Anna S. Matthews, Direct Examination. Q. In what business are you engaged? A. I am engaged in the business of Supervisor of the Information Division of the Motion Picture Patents Company. Q. How long have you been the Supervisor of the Information Division of the Motion Picture Patents Company? A. Since the latter part of February, 1909. Q. What are the particular duties with which you are charged? A. The supervision of the records relating to the motion picture theatres in the United States. Q. By that do you mean you are in charge of those records? A. Yes, sir. Q. And that you supervise the amendments, corrections and changes in them? A. Yes, sir. Q. Does the Motion Picture Patents Company keep a complete list of the motion picture theatres in the United States? A. Yes, sir. Q. Is this the list used by the business management of the Motion Picture Patents Company in sending out circulars and announcements to the trade? A. Yes, sir. Q. Does this list embrace both the licensed and the unlicensed theatres? A. Yes, sir. Q. Is this list approximately accurate and complete? A. Yes, sir. Q. Does it contain all of the licensed theatres in the United States? A. Yes, sir. Q. If any motion picture theatres are missing from it, are they licensed or unlicensed theatres? A. Unlicensed. Q. During the period in which these lists have been in your care or supervision have you endeavored to correct them from time to time? A. Yes, sir. Q. How many times have you changed them since July 1st, 1910? A. Completely six times, and partially all the time. Q. And when you say "partially all the time" do you mean that you are constantly endeavoring to make the changes and corrections in them that the changes in the business warrant? A. Yes, as the information we receive, according to changes in ownerships, and so on. Q. Can you give us the dates of these complete checking periods? A. Yes, sir. Q. And what were they? A. October 31st, 1910; January 30th, 1911; July 3rd, 1911; December 18th, 1911; July 7th, 1912, and July 21st, 1913.