In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Percival L. Wateks, ■ Direct Examination. 2973 Q. Was it a matter that came within the scope of your authority as General Manager of the General Film Company? A. No. Q. At the time of the second interview with Rosenbluh, did you tell Kosenbluh that an independent exchange which was doing business in the West at the time you had a conversation with him in the preceding September, had since been absorbed? A. No. Q. In the course of the testimony given by Louis Rosenbluh in this action, at page 376, he was asked the questions and gave the answers which I shall read to you : "Q. After the formation of the General Film Company, and after it acquired these licensed exchanges in the City of New York, speaking from your observation of the business and the course of the prices, state whether or not there was any change in prices from the rental exchanges to the exhibitors? A. There was a gradual increase in prices. Q. After the formation of the General Film Company? A. Yes, sir. Q. About what did that aggregate? A. I should imagine, about forty per cent, increase." Were you familiar with the prices charged by rental exchanges to exhibitors both before and after the formation of the General Film Company? A. To a certain extent. Q. And was there a gradual increase of prices to the exhibitors, after the General Film Company had acquired a number of exchanges in the City of New York? A. No. Q. Was there an increase of prices aggregating forty per cent, after the General Film Company had acquired the various exchanges in the City of New York? A. No. Q. Has there been any increase of prices aggregating forty per cent, at any time within the past five years? A. No. Q. Have the prices of motion picture service to licensed exhibitors increased to any appreciable extent in the City of New York in the past five years? A. No. Q. How many releases are the licensed manufacturers producing per week at the present time? A. Fifty some odd. They vary from day to day. Q. What competition does the General Film Company have in this field at the present time? A. And by that what do you mean? Q. By that I mean, what companies are supplying complete service to exhibitors in New York at the present time?