In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Walter W. R. Gkeem:, Direct Examination. 2075 Motion Picture Patents Company? A. Why, the checking up of the theatres in New York City. Q. What work did you do in the way of checking up theatres, what was the process? A. Why, I had buff slips and each one had a name of a different theatre in New York City, or Newark, New Jersey, or Jersey City, as the case may be, and I went around and investigated them to see whether they were active or closed, and I added theatres on the list that were not on the records of the Patents Company. Q. Did you in December, 1913, go to Georgia by direction of the Motion Picture Patents Company, and personally visit a number of towns and villages to get an accurate lisl of motion picture theatres? A. Yes. Q. How many towns did you personally visit at that time? A. Oh, there were sixty-four towns with theatres that I visited, and I didn't keep the record of towns without theatres that I visited. The total number was one hundred and twenty-two towns visited. Q. How many towns did you check up either by personal visit or telephone communication? A. One hundred and sixty-six I investigated. Q. What was the total number of motion picture theatres you found in the territory covered either by personal visit or by telephone communication? A. One hundred and three theatres, active. Q. What do you mean by "active theatres?" A. Why, a theatre that is showing, or any place, as the case may be, that is showing or exhibiting pictures at least one day a week. Q. I show you a map of the State of Georgia, in which a large section within the State boundaries is enclosed by black dotted lines. Were the towns you visited and the theatres you checked located in the area bounded by the dotted line? A. All the territory was checked within that line. Mr. Grosvenor: Did you go to all towns in that territory? The Witness : No, I telephoned or went to every town over four hundred within that territory to find out if there was a picture show.