In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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3012 H. M>. Newsome, Direct Examination. 1 Q. Before? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know a man named Acton R. Boone? A. Yes, sir. Q. Is lie the Boone of the firm of Bailey & Boone, you just referred to? A. Yes, sir. Q. As owning the Theatre Film Supply Company? A. Yes, sir. Q. I want to read you some questions that were asked of Mr. Boone when he was called as a witness by the Government in this case, and the answers which he gave to those „ questions, found at page 120G, Vol. II, of the record: "Q. What became of the Mitchell Company of Memphis, Tennessee? A. It sold to the General Film Company. Q. About what time was that, approximately? A. I judge that that was about the middle weeks of August. During the first of August. From the first to the 20th, perhaps. Q. What effect, if any, did the entrance of the General Film Company into the business of the film rental exchanges have upon the business of your company? A. The competition immediately became very severe. Mitchell, who was the former owner of the business, was made 3 manager by the General Film Company, and he at once engaged one of our managers who was conversant with our customers, what they paid on the films that they received, and he was instructed by Mitchell to go into our territory. Q. Tell us what this manager whom Mitchell hired did do? A. He went over our territory and cut prices in many cases as much as fifty per cent, of what we were receiving from those customers, with the result that we lost these customers to the General Film Company, and our rentals from the territory from that covered by him, were at once reduced very materially. Eventually 4 the rentals, the reduction in those rentals by cutting the price, brought us down to about the actual cost of operaing of the exchange and buying of films; in other words, we were close to a losing basis. Q. Did you come thereafter to New York, having in mind the subject of selling out your business? A. Yes, I came for the second time.'" Now, this price cutting, which you have just testified to. occurred before the sale to the General Film Company? A. Yes, sir, Mitchell is the man who cut the price before he sold to the General Film Company.