In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Defendants' Exhibit No. 152. 3023 theatres which were active in the July checking were closed * in January. Mr. Geosvbnoe: So that, whereas he found twelve new theatres, he also found eleven dead ones? The Witness: Not dead exactly, but closed temporarily. Mr. Grosvbnob: Then I object to this exhibit (152) as misleading, and as incomplete, showring upon its face the number of new theatres discovered by Greene, and not showing the number that had been closed, and, therefore, an attempt to show an increase in the business, whereas, as a matter of fact, there had been none, owing to the closing of the eleven theatres, and I make the same objection to Defendants' Exhibit No. 151. The paper produced by the witness and offered in evidence by counsel for the defendants, is marked by the Examiner, "Defendants' Exhibit No. 152," and is as follows : Q Defendants' Exhibit No. 152. ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JULY, 1913, AND JANUARY, 1914, CHECKING OF TOWNS IN OHIO INVESTIGATED BY W. W. R. GREENE. Number of towns with theatres that Greene visited 98 Number of towns without theatres that Greene 'phoned or inquired about or visited 68 Number of theatres reported active July, 1913, as per mail checking 221 4 Number of theatres reported active January, 1911, as per visits of Greene 222 Difference between July and January 1 or i/>% gain. Number of new theatres (active) reported by Greene of which the M. P. P. Co. had no record 12