In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1914)

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Defendants' Exhibit No. 1G5. 3173 motion picture projecting machines, stereopticons, auxiliaries and attachments for motioju picture projecting machines and stereopticons, parts of motion picture projecting machines, stereopticons and auxiliaries, slides of songs, announcements, views and advertisements, posters, electric light carbons, admission tickets, phonographic records, fixtures, furniture, and equipment of every description, both fixed and portable, including safes, vaults, typewriters, reels, rewinders, film boxes, film cases, repair shop equipment, small tools and instruments, horses, wagons, automobiles, stationery, and materials and supplies of every sort, — now and during the period aforesaid collectively forming, with said leased and other motion pictures, the equipment and stock of motion pictures and merchandise of the business aforesaid in which the party of the first part is engaged at the place aforesaid; said equipment and stock of motion pictures and merchandise being hereinafter referred to as the "property aforesaid," while the interest therein which the party of the first part agrees herein to sell to the party of the second part is hereinafter referred to as the "right, title and interest aforesaid." SECOND : The party of the first part further agrees that the right, title and interest aforesaid in the property aforesaid shall pass to the party of the second part at eight o'clock in the forenoon of the sixth day of September, 1910, and the party of the first part further agrees to deliver at the same time to the party of the second part, at the hereinbefore mentioned place of business of the party of the first part, all leased motion pictures that the manufacturers and importers thereof leased to the party of the first part between January 1, 1909, and the fifth day of September, 1910, all motion pictures held by it otherwise than as lessee, and all of the other property aforesaid, with the exception of such leased motion pictures as the party of the first part returned to the manufacturers and importers thereof, under the terms of said Motion Picture1 Patents Company's license to the party of the first part; leased motion pictures destroyed by fire, lost in transportation or by theft, and reported to the licensed manufacturers and importers thereof, in conformity with the requirements of said license; such motion pictures as the party of the first part lias at thai time sub-leased to ex