Inside facts of stage and screen (February 15, 1930)

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PAGE EIGHT INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, FEB. 15, 1930 Vaudeville and Presentations RKO LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Feb. 6) Five excellent acts of vaudeville rewarded patrons who visited this downtown vaude and film house during the current week. The for- mer presentation house has been consistently offering a good pro- gram insofar as stage fare is con- cerned. This week’s rostrum ex- hibits were high in scoring ability and that included everything from the opening to the closer. In fact these two were in their respective positions probably the best fore and aft acts that have been viewed in Los Angeles for many a season. Either act can hold it’s own in any spot and on any bill. The “Dance Fables” turn opened and is one of the most sensation- al adagio offerings that this re- viewer has seen, and that covers a lot of territory, when considering Fanchon and Marco produces a million and one acts of this de- scription, here on the coast. Here- with the expressed opinion that this class dance offering surpasses anything we have reviewed to date and that includes Natacha Natova. Estelle Mattern is the feminine portion of this act, with Stuart Farrington, George Span- over and Fred Taggart compris- ing the trio of males capably per- forming the gymnastic duties re- quired. There are many thrills connected with this one and an enthusiastic audience favored the quartet with a heavy measure of response. Dolly O’Brien, How- ever, was no asset to this act and her mediocre tap dancing as an overture delay to the adagio fol- lowing could be well eliminated. Frederick Sylvester closed with an offering titled “The Neatest of the Neat.” It described exactly the acrobatics indulged in with the aid of his three diminutive part- ners. The four present one of the most novel and unique acts on the American stage today. Their tricks are performed with finesse and polish and accomplished in the twinkling of an eye. Heavy ap- plause. for this one. Hal Neiman in deuce spot was another strong applause inducer. In hoke tramp character, Neiman aroused interest with his panto- mimic ability plus the aid of an extraordinary fine voice. Come- dian had everything his own way and could have stayed longer. Naomi Ray and Eddie Harrison were another pay-off, the plump girl and good-looking male straight landing in cyclonic fashion. Their burlesque dance reaped a harvest of laughs. Ruby Norton got her share of returns. Type-impressionist of- fered only two characterizations, namely Lillian Russell and Sophie Tucker. Both good, but the Tucker bit was the best. Rudy Vallee in “The Vagabond Lover” (R. P.) held the screen. Maddie Madson and his orches- tra tunefully dispensed the pit music and pleasingly presented the overture. Business capacity with the flicker the draw. Eddie Meredith. FOX SAN FRANCISCO (Reviewed Feb. 7) Walt Roesner has a great idea. Instead of taking a stereotype ov- erture and doing it in a straight- away ordinary style he is select- ing numbers with a background in mind, investing the classics with a bit of the pop tunes, in- corporating scenic investures, voice and flash. This week’s overture “Indian Ron da” conclusively proves Roesner’s rep as a show- man by virtue of its uniqueness in style and quality. H,e has a med- ley of Indian numbers, both pop- ular and semi-classics, and with the stage in a setting in keeping with the idea and Harry Mbrton Fanchon and Marco Route List of “Ideas” Following is the Fanchon and Marco+ Ideas route schedule, with the opening dates, all of the current month, in pa- renthesis besides the name of the town: PASADENA (13) Colorado Theatre * ‘Marble’ ’ Idea The Harris Trio Molandin & Brigante FloBelle & Charlie T. B. Matthews LOS ANGELES (13) Loew’s State Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra SAN DIEGO (13) Fox Theatre “Zeppelin” Idea Bailey & Barnum Richard Wally Keo, Toki & Toki Arline Langan and Norman Selby LONG BEACH (13) West Coast Theatre “Eyes” Idea Don Carrol Six Candrevas Bob and Ula Buroff HOLLYWOOD (13) Egyptian Theatre “Trees” Idea Naynons Birds Mavis and Ted Kenny Creel Esther Campbell Christal Levine and Ted Reicard FRESNO (14-16) Wilson Theatre “Peasant” Idea Diehl Sisters General Ed Lavine June Worth Belcher Dancers SAN JOSE (17-19) California Theatre “Peasant” Idea Diehl Sisters General Ed Lavine June Worth Belcher Dancers SAN FRANCISCO (14) Fox Theatre “Manila Bound” Idea Harry & Frank Seamon Stella Royal Romero Family MILWAUKEE (13) Wisconsin Theatre “Idea In Green” Bom & Lawrence Moran & Weston Franklyn Record Doris Nierly Way Watts & Arminda DETROIT, MICH. (13) Fox Detroit ‘ ‘Far East’ ’ Idea Frank Stever Helen Pachaud M. Sanami & Co. Ruth Kadamatsu 2 Jacks & 2 Queens Joan Hardcastle BUFFALO, N. Y. (13) Lafayette Theatre * ‘Arts In Taps’ ’ Idea Myrtle Gordon Rodney & Gould A1 & Hal Johnny Plank Jeanne McDonald Eddie Lewis Brown & Willa NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. (13) Strand Theatre “Accordion” Idea Burt & Lehman Theo. & Katya Nat Spector Mary Price Arnold Hartman UTICA, N. Y. Gayety Theatre “Accordion” Idea Burt & Lehman Theo. & Katya Nat Spector Mary Price Arnold Hartman WORCESTER, MASS. (13) Palace Theatre “Types’ ’ Idea Carlena Diamond Trado Twins Harold Stanton SPRINGFIELD, MASS. (13) Palace Theatre “Kisses” Idea Joe & Jane McKenna Will Cowan Mabel & Marcia E Flat Four Mitzi Mayfair Helen Aubrey Dave Hacker Wallen & Barnes PHIL TYRRELL DISCOVERED DDR 1560 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Mj% M-9• Ask RUTH ETTING, NICK LUCAS, WILLIAMS SISTERS, STROUD TWINS, GINGER ROGERS, EVELYN WILSON, the meaning of INTELLIGENT REPRESENTATION OAKLAND (14) Fox Oakland “Ivory” Idea Betty Lou Webb Hy Meyer Four High Hatters Goetz and Duffy SACRAMENTO (14) Senator Theatre “Overtures” Idea Toots Novelle Louise Manning Edison and Gregory Huff and Huff Helen Hille SALEM, ORE. (13) Elsinore Theatre “Desert” Idea Ed and Morton Beck Muriel Stryker Cropley and Violet Manuel Lopez Carla Torney Girls PORTLAND (IS) Broadway Theatre “International” Idea Frederico Flores Osaka Boys Billy Carr Markel and Faun Mignon Laird SEATTLE (12) Fifth Avenue Theatre “Hot Dominoes” Idea Les Klicks Pall Mall Dexter, Webb and Diaz GREAT FALLS, MONT. Grand Theatre “Uniforms” Idea Armand & Perez Joy Brothers Sylvia Shore & Helen Ruth Hamilton BUTTE, MONT. (12) Fox Theatre “Carnival Russe” Idea Countess Sonia Sam Linfield & Co. Alex-SherBekefi Russian Sunrise Trio DENVER, COLO. (12) Tabor Grand “Let’s Pretend” Idea Tillyou & Rogers Florence Forman Ed Cheney Rita Lane ST. LOUIS (13) Fox Theatre “Black and Gold” Idea Four Kennys Maxine Hamilton Arnold Grazer Lee Wilmot HARTFORD, CONN. (13) Capitol Theatre “Drapes” Idea Frank Melino & Co. Jerome Mann Dorothy Kelly NEW HAVEN, CONN. (13) Palace Theatre “Columns’’ Idea Rome & Gaut Billy Rolls Niles Marsh Maxine Evelyn Dorothv Henley BRIDGEPORT (IS) Palace Theatre ‘‘Gobs of Joy” Idea Pat West Scotty Weston Cook Sisters Coley Billy & Elsie Lewis Loma Ruth Moore and Moore Dolly Kramer Jones an-d Hewett Johnny Ashford Wanda Allen Henry Aguirre WATERBURY, CONN. (13) Palace Theatre “Hollywood Studio Girls” Idea Three Gobs Miles & Perlee Chas. Rozelle John Vale Lorris & Fermine BROOKLYN, N. Y. (IS) Fox Theatre “Screenland Melodies” Idea Sherry Louise Lucille Iverson Karavaeff Everts & Lowry Lamberti Franklin & Warner Jack & Betty Welling PHILADELPHIA, PA. (13) Fox Theatre “Jazz Cinderella” Idea Mae Usher Albert Hugo Roy Rogers Billy Randall James Gaylord Pauline Alpert Adair & Stewart WASHINGTON, D. C. (13) Fox Theatre * ‘Gardens’ ’ Idea Slate Bros. Vina Zolle Moffa and Mae Cliff Nazzaro TULSA, OKLA. (13) Orpheum Theatre ‘ ‘Watermelon Blues’ ’ Idea Mammy and Her Picks Louis & Mitchell Ted Ledford Southern Steppers and Marie Voegel singing, there’s plenty of kick to it. For a flash finale there’s a background of girls beating tom-toms. Result: two encores, and countless bows. On stage was Fanchon and Marco’s “Ivories Idea,” handled by Betty Lou Webb, acting as mistress-of-ceremonies, while Roes- ner and orchestra remained in the pit. Following a jungle sequence, Four High-Hatters on for a trio of numbers, building from an av- GEORGE and FLORENCE BALLET MASTER and MISTRESS Australia’s Largest Theatre — THE STATE, SYDNEY— PRODUCING WEEKLY CHANGE NOW 36TH WEEK And Still Going Strong Address—State Theatre, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia PHIL SYLVIA WHITE and NOIR TENOR Booked Solid Over R-K-O Circuit SOPRANO In “Songs and Steps” erage opening to a strong closer and netting good returns. Then a cameo setting with Hy Meyer at the piano and all girls on stage. Dropping back to one, Goetz and Duffy in tintype comedy stuff, not so forte, but after a quick change to ’30 clothes, they pepped up somewhat. Betty Lou Webb, still working in one, offered “Could I?” in English and inebriated ver- sions and clicked nicely. Finale has ten of the line girls at undergrown pianos with Hy Meyer in the center. Picture was Metro’s “Devil May Care,” starring Ramon Novarro. Bock. LOEW’S STATE LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Feb. 10) The “Sunshine Idea” is one which dazzles with its opening flash, ensemble and orchestra all on in golden sunshine-colored cos- tumes. Music for it was “The World Is. Waiting For the Sun- rise.” Boiled down because of a long feature picture, it sizzled with speed. Ensemble of 24 girls moved through a routine of bouncing balls while Dave Barnum, of Bar- num and Bailey, megaphoned “Old Man Sunshine” in a voice that’s not very hot. The Bailey part of this team was eliminated for this week. Richard Wally, billiard ball juggler, came in and tossed the ivories around, working in with the ensemble routine and won a good hand. Arlene Langan and Norman Selby, dancing team, also worked into the melange, Selby later doing a single aero dance that registered. Georgie Stoll’s band specialty was “A Quiet Evening At Home With the Radio,” the band behind the scrim and Georgie out front with a radio set. He tuned into a hysterical session of static and mixed up programs, the band boys impersonating radio artists, spot- lighted behind the scrim. The gags were good and the crowd ate it up. Mary Lou followed, selling her personality through a negro girl make-up, singing “The Sun Is Shining On Me” and stepping a couple of choruses. Encored, she pulled off her wig and stepped an- other. To the tune of “At Sundown” the ensemble came on in new sun- set costumes for a smartly stepped routine, followed by the Langan- Selby team in a waltz number that showed them off as a handsome pair and finished steppers. This was a pleasing change from the eternal adagio. Next came Ben Silk, preaching a sermon from the phone book. Smart lines sold this act for a lot of laughs. Ensemble followed him in a drum-major routine, waving maces in not very complicated movements, but o. k. Arlene Lan- gan came back to do her one- iegged dance and standing split and won a hand before she fin- ished. Then everybody on for the finale, closing a bright act. The screen offering was Fox’s “The Cockeyed World.” F. Y. FOX EL CAPITAN SAN FRANCISCO (Reviewed Feb. 7) Hollywood’s heavily upholstered comedienne, Babe London, was featured in this week’s stage show drawing heavy lobby and marquee billing for her appearance. As her part of the Peggy O’Neill-staged show Babe contributed a couple of tunes, a little clowning with Jay Brower, m. c., and hoofing, all of which got over nicely. The show teed off with the 16 girls protesting to Brower the lack of credit given them for their work, and then going into a song, “Ladies of the Chorus,” followed by stepping. Then Sub Mez, hoofer, who im- paired his own 'chances by coming on stage with one of those “if you don’t like me you don’t know what’s good” personalities. Kid can hoof and will do a lot better if he’ll get over that fault. Georgie, stepping out of the line, offered a Parisienne tune reminiscent of Fifi D’Orsay, and clicked. Putting it up to the cus- tomers’ choice, Brower and the band played a medley of tunes from “Sunnyside Up,” grabbing off three red hot encores for their efforts. The girls in a dance, Hoosier Hop, then Babe London and next Brower’s gang trotted out what probably was the sorrowiest mu- sical offering ever done on a local stage show. The gang’s impres- sion of an insane asylum and as somebody once said, “You don’t have to be nuts to do this, but it helps.” The Mission gang ate it up, and were anxious to keep it going for even longer than it ran. George Heid, singing in a nice voice, next, and his song segued into a pirate routine done by the girls, which in turn led into in- troduction of the Four Randalls, three fellows and a girl, who made the customers applaud heav- ily with their plain and fancy body tossing work in a classy adagio offering. Mel Hertz at the organ. The picture was Universal’s “Broad- way” and biz capacity. V__ Bock. MANCHESTER THEATRE LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Feb. 10) This neighborhood house, under the management pf Roy Wolf, is doing near capacity nightly, espe- cially on the tryout nights. Wed- nesdays the “Ideas” make their first local appearance and have the customers fighting for seats. Sol Lowe, m. c., who has a rec- ord run of four years at this house, opened playing on his vio- lin the themie from the feature picture, “Hallelujah,” with all the boys in tan makeups. Number was too long, and makeup too light. But Sol plays a masterful fiddle, and the customers like it. Billy Weir, a well built girl of about 18, sang, danced and played a saxophone. Her best is her dancing, and she should do all of it; singing should be cut, like- wise the saxophone playing. Dunbar and Green, two boys with ability to get laughs out of a breakaway one string fiddle, furnished four minutes of good entertainment. Evidently new ma- terial, and with some more work, they should have a real presenta- tion offering. Three Freehands last seen at the Orpheum, never miss with their sensational perch work. The boys clo'sed the show and received the biggest hand of the evening. Woody. IN DANIELS FILM Betty Pierce, who appeared re- cently with Franklin Pangborn in the flop, “Rear Car,” at the Vine Street Theatre, has been signed for a part in “Smooth as Satin,” Bebe Daniels’ next for Radio Pictures. Miss Pierce’s big break was as the original Tonde- leyo of “White Cargo” in New York. “Smooth as Satin” is from Bayard Veillers’ stage play, “The Chatterbox,” and will be directed by George Archainbaud, with Ben Lyon opposite the star. BOYCE-SMITH BACK J. Boyce - Smith, vice - president and treasurer of Inspiration Pic- tures, has returned from several months in New York with plans for a good program for Inspira- tion. Among other pictures several of Harold Bell Wright’s books will be filmed. Sol Lesser, gen- eral manager of the company, has held the right to the books for several years. DIRECTOR HERE Hassard Short, stage director, has arrived in Hollywood under contract to Fox and is readying for production of “The London Revue” in which Beatrice Lillie will be featured. WITH INSPIRATION Harry Wilson, who left the publicity department of United Artists recently, has taken the po- sition of publicity director for In- spiration Pictures.