Inside facts of stage and screen (June 7, 1930)

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PAGE TEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 VANCOUVER, B. C A. K. MacMartin REPRESENTATIVE 901 Bekins Bldff. '/V NORTHWEST JEAN ARMAND district manager 502 EASTLAKE avenue Seattle^ Wash. WA 8HIN GT0H OBEQON I DAHO MONTANA SEATTLE, WASH. Roy Oxman representative Division Offices Phone: Capitol 1932 SEATTLE BIZ TAKES SL SEATTLE, June 5.—Show busi- ness in Seattle this week was way off. Many of the big houses fell below the average intake, prob- ably due to the climate which took most of the natives out to the lakes and golf links. Fox's big Fifth Avenue lead the town with $14,500. Ramon Novarro and Fanchon & Marco's "G>'p-Gyp- Gypsy Idea" was responsible for that much business. Novarro goes strong with the fans here and should have done much better. RKO's Orpheum headlined by Eddie Nelson took second honors with 11 grand. John Hamrick's Music Box is still holding up with "All Quiet on the Western Front," grossing $8000 for the second week. Long lines are evident dailv at this little 800 seater. The Fox has been holding up fairly well, doing much better than last week and taking $6500 into the coffers. Owen Sweeten's music is responsible for much of the trade. He is building up a good following here. The Seattle had a poor week with the "Song of the Flame," do- ing 9500. This is not so good for a 3500 seater. It takes big pro- grams to drag the folks up the hill to this palace. # The Metropolitan did excep- tional business with Nancy Car- roll's latest vehicle, "Devil's Holi- day"; $6500 came through the gates. The night club business is headed by the Olympic Hotel Ven- etian Gardens where Tiny Burnett holds sway. The Trianon had good business this week due to the many publicity gags pulled by Ted Harris. Harris is building up a good stand and continues to bring them in with his stunts. McEl- roy's, a block away, is also doing good and keeping 'em coming Club Victor docs a on week-ends and is part of the week. VANCOUVER By A. K. MacMARTIN CASE OF BEING ABOUT ALL WET The plan by which Paramount- Publix corporation gained control of the Famous Players Canadian Corporation, which operates a chain of theatres across Canada as well as film exchanges in the key cities, became effective May 27 when stockholders holding more than the required amount of stock or voting trust certificates had as sented to the acquisition. The basis of the deal calls for four shares of Paramount common for each five shares of voting trust certificates of the Canadian cor poration. ](e 3(c 4c The R-K-O Orpheum topped all business draws the current stanza with George Arliss in "The Green Goddess" on the screen and its four act vaude bill headlined by Babe Egan and her Hollywood Red Heads and Grace and Marie Eline. ♦ ♦ * The Shriners' Band from Los Angeles entertained Vancouverites one day this week when they stopped off here on their \yay to the annual Shrine convention at Toronto. * * ♦ Wm. Raven, former leader of the Capitol Theatre orchestra, has gone to Harrison Hot Springs Hotel, where he will hold down the main music spot for the sum- mer. CROSS OPENING AS GUEST star SEATTLE, June 5.—Due to the severe rain storm that swept the city last Sunday the dressing rooms of the Fifth Avenue The- atre were swamped with water. No serious damage was done but val uable costumes were in danger of being soaked. The leaks were due to the overflooding of the Union Street sewage. Notes Along Fifth Avenue WARNERS' PROGRAM Eddie Boyle now moving keys for Marlatt's , . . John Boles in Dunham's . . . and chatting in the rain . . . Emma Jane Epler out of Remick's counter . . . Madge Baldwin taking her place . . . one bad loss and one good gain . . . Paul Spor looking over Seattle and getting acquainted . . . Bob Stevenson loaded with music looking like a music counter on a bad day's business. Homer Sweetman opening up for business . . , Marguerite Van Ant- werp working for Harold Weeks . and sipping cool drinks . . at the expense of the press . . Babe Egan stopping over prior to . . Owen new outfits . . The 1930-31 production program of Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., was announced in detail by J. L ^-e,-.. ^.^t^^^.^.i Warner, vice president in charge I playing^ ^Vancouver of production this week. Sweeten's band in program, calling for theLvould make the Prince of Wales expenditure of close to $25,000,- green with envy . . . Owen's 000, includes about 50 feature pic-1 SEATTLE HOUSE TRIES NEW ONE SEATTLE. June 5.—The Para- mount here has a nine-hole golf course on the mezzanine floor, an idea, which, if put over in theatres throughout the country, would cer- tainly make things tough for the open air Tom Thumb golf pro- moters. House also had the new attrac- tion in all Publix theatres, sheet music and records stand, display- ing the latest in theme songs. There's a mechanical candy vendor in the lobby and a cartoonist draw- ing sketches of the patrons. The reporter didn't take a' look on the roof, but there's probably something doing up there, too. WESSLING IN SEATTLE dog envy . . . Uwen's po- doing everything but di- SEATTLE, June 5.—Walter S. Wessling arrived in town this week prior to exhibiting his educa- tures, close to 200 short subjects, Uecting the band . . . Frank Allen tional and travelogue pictures at and industrial and educational pictures. All of the features and many of the short, subjects will be made in. Hollywood at the three large studios and ranch of Warner Brothers and will give employment to the entire year It follows closely on the an nouncement that $3,500,000 is to be spent this year in improving and enlarging Warner Brothers' First National Studios. The pro- duction program is by far and Art IQoth fighting over straw I various theatres. His latest release derbies . . . Ray Watkins look- is "Around the World with the ing all over town for red under- Graf Zeppelin." He is also a dis- wear . . . Don Geddes singing "In My Little Hope Chest" . . . Eve- lyn Kelley answering with "Let's tributor for the new son travel pictures. Martin John- thousands during I be Domestic." Roy Cooper and at the Brass Rail Andy Gunnard Andy send- SOUDERS ON TRIP mg fine fair business the first WURDIG JOINS FRANKS SEATTLE, June 5.—Clarence Wurdig replaced Warren Fabian in the Al Franks cast this week. Wurdig comes from the Warner Bros. Central Theatre, Jersey City. HAS FORTUNE TELLER SEATTLE, June 5.—Not to be outdone by other theatres, the Fol- lies (old Pan stand) installed a fortune teller in the person of Ra- jah Lipp on the mezzanine floor. This seems to be an attraction here. SEATTLE, June 5.—Jackie Sou- his regards to Jack Josephs I ders, m. c. at the Fox Fifth Ave- via the writer . . . Zelda Sant- nue, took a trip to Vancouver on ley and friends going out . . . his day off and visited his old Myrtle Strong looking for hubby friends. Karl Horn wields the largest ever^planned by Warners'. - claiming he might be at a | baton during his absence. K/fr..^ Af\ directors' meetinc: ... or one of SAN DIEGO, June 5. —Alfred Cross opens this week here as guest leading man with the Savoy Players in George M. Cohan's "Whispering Friends." Forrest Tay- lor, present leading man, is taking a rest. Other stage and screen names lined up for guest appearances with the Savoys are: Grant Mit- chell, George Leffingwell, May Robson, James Liddy, Dulcie Cooper, Brady Kline, Ruth King, Herbert Hayes, Belle Bennett, Phil Tead, Grayce Hampton, William V. Mong, Virginia Brissac, Nor man Field, Mildred Harris, Francis X. Bushman, Diane Esmonde, John Bowers, Marguerite De La Motte, George Barnes, Patsy Ruth Miller, Frank Craven, Aileen Prin- gle, Taylor Holmes, Marie Pre vost and Kenneth Harlan. More than 40 famous stars, I """""f^ ' tA/"" M many of them recently recruited "^'"es • . • • Eddie Nelson from the stage, ^vill appear in the I aud.ence Warner pictures for the year Heading this list are John Barry- more, George Arliss and Al Jol- son, who will appear in one or more pictures during the year. START LOBBY VENDING SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— As part of its nation-wide policy Paramount - Publix has installed sheet music and record counters and candy vending machines- in the lobbies of its local houses. Music counters peddle the sheets at 35 cents a throw and the rec- ords—made by Publix with that chain's contracted acts — at 50 cents, which is two bits under the standard record price. The vend- ing machines are serviced nation- ally by Pack Shops, Inc. ROSS OPENS STUDIO MOHL AT CURRAN SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Vic Mohl, who acted as company manager for "New Moon," re- mains at the Curran in the same capacity with "Student Prince." EDDIE PEABODY after a short vacation at the peabody rancho, leaving for the east to open an engagement at THE FOX THEATRE DETROIT, MICH. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.-- Howard Ross is now located in lis new stage dance studio on Sut- ter street where he has fully equipped headquarters for the lat- est dances. Associated with Ross is Jacque/i Moreay. who is in charge of the ballet, acrobatic. Spanish and character dancing, all of which is conducted in an open air practice studio in the patio. Ross formerly was on the Keith circuit. SHE SAVES DOUGH . . and get- ting away with it . . . Carl Winge out getting songs placed and talk- ing to fair damsels . . . combin- ing business with pleasure Syl Halperin, Lou Oudeen and Tex Howard's boys eating chicken and earning it after all the hard work . . . Al Simmons "with a bright outlook . . . but never looking out. Ted Harris busier than ten men VON HERBERG RETURNS SEATTLE, June 5.—J. G. Von Herberg returned after a five-week sojourn in New York City on the- atrical business. WEINSTEIN'S TRIP SAN FRANCISCO, June Phil Weinstein, Columbia change manager, leaves next for Hollywood where he 5.— ex- week will in a warehouse ... on his Trianon attend his firm's western division contests ... Syl Cross leaving for g^j^g convention which is to be Portland ... on heavy business j^^i^j j^j^g 12 and 13 at the Roose- . . . Chuck Gould in at the Rose j^Q^e]^ Room . . . and doing good . Bud Sommers looking over the marquee . . . and has the brightest . , . which is put- . . Sam Gore going street . . . dressed new Orpheum exclaiming he spot in town ting it mild . across Union fit to kill . . . Andy Hotovitsky off to Alaska ... for another summer of hard work. DAUGHTER KILLED SAN FRANCISCO. June 5.— Enroute to her home where a fourteenth birthday party was awaiting her, the young daughter of W. R. Buckridge, operator of the Rio Nido Theatre, Rio Nido, was killed in an auto crash. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— The bravery of Mrs. Charles Bew- ley, cashier, saved several thousand dollars for Publix's St. Francis Monday night when the ticket seller defied a bantlit and refused to give him the money. NEW DAN*S M. C. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Tiny Epperson is the new m. c. at Coffee Dan*s succeeding Jack Reed, who left the downstairs night spot after a two night stand. NEW OCCUPANTS SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— MacGregor-Ingram recording lab- oratories have taken over the en- tire Sonora building on Mission street and are now its exclusive occupants. The Sonora Phono- graph Co. has closed down. PRIMA DONNA DIES SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Tillie Salinger, prima donna at the old Tivoli in the 90's, died this week in Richfield Park, N. J., ac cording to advices received here by her brother. V i \ M'G'M FOUR LES EVERSON TED ARBEELY KYLE HEAD BUD AVERILL ONE OF THE SHOW-STOPPING ACTS IN F. AND M.'. UlNt. ur inc. FELLOWS IDEA- WEEK OF JUNE 19 —FOX FIFTH AVE. —SEATTLE