Inside facts of stage and screen (June 7, 1930)

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PAGE TWELVE INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1930 i- " ^ ' . i< , Facts* Echoes From "Melody 'Land Hot Lic\s of Music By JACK B. TENNEY No other art has so completely captured the complexities of life as music. Yet, it is necessary to have lived and to have experienced before understanding. Apprecia- tion, to me, is oftimes an empty word when applied to music. I do not believe we are capable of LEARNING to appreciate—it is something that is spontaneous after we have lived, loved and suf- fered a bit. For that reason our best musicians are greatest after life has mellowed mere execution. In a young musician, the tech- nician startles us and we are puz- zled; when we hear him in after years we listen to a symphony of life. He is then capable of telling a universal story. As the years roll by, each brings a broader,—a clearer understand- ing. Yearning, — strange longings, agitation,—tense moments of un- controlable passion,—brief—tender- ness,—we begin to understand. We have lived each measure . . . * * Tia Juana is a very bad spot for American musicians at present. Have had several letters from some of the boys in San Diego re- questing that I again warn mu- sicians to stay away from the southern resort, if they are seek- ing a job. At the last report there were only two Americans working there, with the exception, of course, of the orchestra at Agua Caliente. The Mexican union has tied things up pretty well and as long as there is a Mexican mu- sician out of work it will be al- most impossible to find a job in the town. ♦ ♦ * Al Lyons, MC and music direc- tor, has been transferred from the San Diego Fox house to New York City. The RKO house in San Diego has discontinued vaudeville during Uie week and are using an orches- tra only three days. ♦ # 4( Kennedy's Nite Club out of San Diego is suffering a lull in their former good business. George Lloyd, entertainer, and Jess Hite, saxophonist, have left the club. ♦ ♦ * Talmadge Tavern, San Diego's Dinner Club, reports good ^ busi- ness. Margaret Walker, pianist, has the new band at the cafe. Evelyn Faultemeyer is entertain- ing. Evelyn has an excellent voice and a charming personality. Har- old Schwalm, sax and banjo, etc., is one of those "go to town" boys and the ensemble is rounded out with Paul Rossline on drums, dou- bling banjo and songs. The Tavern is rapidly proving a popular spot in the southern city. It is owned and operated by Mrs. Alma Staggs and Romaine Shackelford. « >|i 4( Carroll Campbell, pianist, has the orchestra at Palm Gardens, Heber, Calif. The personnel includes Chas. Peters, drums; Jack Snively, bass; Bob Fricke and "Ozzie" Austin, reeds. M usica ITab STRAND THEATRE LONG BEACH (Reviewed May 29) The opening of a new series of musical tab shows was greeted by a first night audience that waited in a line two blocks long for the box-office opening. First week's offering was a con- densed version of Geo. M. Cohan's "Forty-five Minutes From Broad- way," featuring Jack Russell and his players, including Garret Price and Will Hayes, and a unit of Bud Murray's California Sunbeams. The old lines of years ago were well handled by Jack Russell, as Kid Burns, who scored many laughs, Evelyn Du Fresne as Mary, Garret Price in the juvenile role of Tom Bennett, and Will Hayes in the heavy role of Dan Cronin. The Bud Murray girls were led by Tut Mace, peppy all- around dancer, who stopped the show with her sensational acro- batic routine. The girls showed to advantage in unison and precision, had youth and figure, and the routines were fast and hot. Bud Murray personally conceived and staged all of the dances and en- sembles. WINTERS WITH KHJ THREE HITS "BON IT A" "WHEN THE LONELY DAY IS ENDED" "IRELAND, MY HOMELAND KARAN-DUNN SONG CO. Kress Bldg. San Francisco Song Leaders BANDMEN MEET IN LINKS WAR LOS ANGELES Last week's first and second ARNHEIM WILL REPLACE HAMP GERUN CLICKING IN WINDY Cin Johnny Hamp and his Kentucky Serenaders, now playing the Co- coanut Grove of the Hotel Ambas- sador here, have signed a contract with the Music Corporation of America. They close their engage- ment here soon and wil be a fea- tured attraction on the MCA hotel orchestra circuit. Gus Arhheim, formerly featured at the Grove, and more recently at the Montmartre in Hollywood, will follow Hamp's organization into the Ambassador room. WEST LEAVES CAFE SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Musicians from the Jesse Stafford , , , . . , . I Orchestra at the Palace Hotel and placers exchanged positions this, t i tt • week, "Stein Song" winning aT'^"^ Laughner-Harris organi- very slight ascendancy over "Mon- nation at the St. Francis, tangled ercy." Some new numbers are in a golf tournament ^on the Hard in the showing this time from hng Park links this week. The I he Big Pond currently re- nr j ^ n eased here. Following is the list:P^^^^^^ crew came out first 1. "Stein Song"—Radio Music On the Palace crew were Staf Company ford, Dub Kirkpatrick, Monte Bar- 2. "It'Happened in Monterey" h^". Lofty Smearer Art Winter Feist Gene Rose with Chuck Moll as 3. "Springtime in the Rockies" Alternate Playing for the Franctis Villa Moret were Phil Harris, Poke Dadsman, 4. "The Moon Is Low"—Rob- ^1 Schaer, Del Billings George \yins. Plumstead and John Walters. 5. "You Brought a New Kind Stafford claims he would have of Love"—Famous. made a better score only he for 6. "Dancing With Tears in My | got which end of the caddie to use. Eyes"—Witmark. 7. "Living in the Sunlight, Lov ing in the Moonlight"—Famous. 8. "I Never Dreamt"—Santly. 9. "Sunny Side of the StreeV —Shapiro-Bernstein. 10. "Blue Is the Night"—Rob bins. "I'm in the Market for You,' "Why," "When the Little Red, , c r Roses" and "Sweeping the Clouds CHICAGO, June 5.—Tom Gerun, Away" are the close runners-up. who clicked into prominence as Records Tom Gerunovich at the Roor Gar- 1. "On a Blue and Moonless den in San Francisco, made a dis- Ivfigj^t" Victor. t^nct hit with his band in his first 2. "Stein Song"—All recordings. Uppearance here at the Lincoln 3. "Springtime in the Rockies" Tavern, north side roadhouse. —All recordings. Booking was arranged by the 4. "When the Bloom Is on the Music Corporation of America, and Sage"—Brunswick. brings the band here from featured 5. "The Moon Is Low"—All re- appearances at the Jefferson Hotel, cordings. St. Louis, and the William Penn, 6. "What Is This Thing Called Pittsburgh. During the current Love"—All recordings. engagement the organization will 7. "Ten Cents a Dance"—Co- be featured over the Columbia lumbia (Ruth Etting). broadcasting station, WBBM. 8. "Thank You, Father" — All TTPAXTricrr. t c recordings. CARL LAMONT VISITS ^ . 5.— 9. "It Happened in Monterey" Gregory Golubeff and his eight- All recordings. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— P^^ce Russian Gypsy Orchestra 10. "Under a Texas Moon"— rjarl Lamont is in from Los An- have opened at Clmton s Powell 4. f I ^ . . . f^i T-» strppt I arptena where thev crivp Ray West has severed his con- nection with the Ray West Cafe on West Seventh street, and will move his band to Clark's Norco- nian Club. The cafe will continue to operate under a corporation, with A. J. Taft managing. Band tryouts are now being held, with no definite choice ready to be an- nounced as yet. VISITS PEABODY RANCHO SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Gene McCormick, prof, manager for S. L. Cross, has returned from a stay at the Peabody Rancho. After a few days here he con- tinues on to Seattle. NEW CAFE ORCHESTRA Ray Winters, announcer for some years with KFI and KECA, re- signed last week with the intention of wandering northward, but was induced to accept an announcer's job with KHJ here. He makes his first appearance before the Don Lee mike this w^eek-end. GOLF TOURNAMENT SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— Employes of local film exchanges and picture houses will meet in a golf tournament slated for June 6 at Lake Merced. All recordings. I geles to start Shapiro, Bernstein s SAN FRANCISCO tunes "Ro-Ro-Rollin' Along" and After remaining in first spot for "Exactly Like You." a number of weeks "Stein Song" — skidded to third position with "I'm | ELAINE TICHENOR BACK in the Market for You" and "With My Guitar" capturing first and I SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— second numbers. Leaders are: ^ Elaine Tichenor, vocalist, returned 1. "I'm in the Market for You" this week from a three months' -Red Star. stay in H6nolulu. She is the wife 2. "With My Guitar" — Sher- jggs Norman, dance band direc- man, Clay. . I tor at KPO. 3. "Stein Song"—Radio Music. 4. "It Happened in Monterey" 5. "Blues Is the Night"—Rob bins. street Cafeteria where they give two daily concerts. OLSEN BAND IN FILMS MARJORIE VACATIONS OWEN FALLON AND HIS CAUFORNIANSl NOW IN THIRD YEAR AT WILSON'S BALLROOM (Formerly Cinderella Roof) Lo8 Angeles Success to RODNEY PANTAGES for auld acquaintance sake My one-time Saxaphonist and the Pride of El Monte SAN FRANCISCO, June 5.— . , ^. „ .Marjorie Primley, pianist in the 6. "An Times the Time — Sherman, Clay professional office. Famous. currently on a two weeks vaca- 7. "I Never Dreamt —Santly. , Ljon. Marjorie Reynolds is hold- 8. "When the Little Red Roses . ^^^^ [^^ ^ De Sylva, Brown and Hender-1 ^ i PLANS COLOR STILLS son. 9. "Under a Remick. Texas Moon' — V^il.. 'yr^ o . A w.rrh^" Harry Winger, photographer for 10. "11:30 Saturday Night - panchon and Marco, is planning Sherman, Clay^ DOLIN COMING HERE to install a natural color photog- raphy department. Max Dolin, for many long months musical director in the San Fran- cisco studios of the National Broad- casting Company, has resigned his position and is Hollywood bound in the hope, it is said, of crashing pictures. If he cannot do this he will continue eastward, according to report. NELLIE SULLIVAN BACK Nellie Sullivan has just returned from South America, where she successfully toured her Nellie Sul- livan Revue, following an equally successful ropnd of England and France. She has developed Alice Battistella, tap and aero dancer, for whom she prophesies a big success. John Teel at KTAB displays a wide range. This week he is to sing some of Chopin's works in Polish. In addition to that lan- guage he can throw the adjectives in Norwegian, Spanish, French. Swedish and Italian, and, of course, a little English now and then. SAN FRANCISCO, June 5^— After three weeks at A. and'H. s Casino, Will King left last week for Los Angeles. "A LITTLE SMILE" Words and Music by GEO. B. L. BRAUN (A Fox Trot Sensation) CONCORD PUBLISHING CO. 1179 Market St. San Franciaco EMIL STURMER Musical Director Paramount Theatre San Francisco KENNETH RUNDQUIST Baritone LEIGHTON'S CAFETERIA Market at Powell San Francisco RUDOLPH N. SCHRAEGER PEEMIER ORGANIST Chinese Theatre, Hollywood INDEFINITE George Olsen and his Band furnish music for Zelma CNeal's number in Paramount's all-techni- color film version of the Schwab and Mandel golf musical copiedy, "Follow Thru." ROLAND CORNELIUS and His Entertaining Orchestra CAFE ROBERTS AT THE BEACH TUNES OF THE TIMES Are the Exclusive Offerings of VAL VALENTE AND HIS ROOF GARDEN ORCHESTRA SjlSrrs THE'mcHr'"''' ° "the moon is low- "WHEN I'M LOOKING AT YOU" 799 SEVENTH AVt.