Inside facts of stage and screen (October 11, 1930)

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PAGE SIX INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN OCT. 11, 1930 IV7ACTS Short Shots At the News Published Every Saturday One Year - - - - - $4.00 Foreign ...... $5.00 Advertising Rates on Application Established 1924 As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Former wife of Cedric Gibbons, Gwendolyn Gibbons, brought suit against the present husband of Dolores Del Rio for back alimony. She alleged that Gibbons had agreed to pay her $6000 a year, and that said payments had stopped July 1929. * * * TEL-A-PHONEY *9 JAMES MADISON Hello, Hope Hampton. Hello, James Madison. How is the local opera season making out? Some of the audience complain we sing so loud, they can’t hear themselves talk. Hello, Rubinoff. Hello, James Madison. President Hoover tells us that prosperity is just around the corner. Let’s check up by having Ben Turpin take a look. Published by Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. 800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Telephone TUcker 7832 JACK JOSEPHS ------ President and Editor ARTHUR WM. GREEN - - - - Vice Pres, and Counsel JEAN ARMAND - - - General Manager Vol. XII Saturday, October 11, 1930 No. 15 NO MORE STAGE FOR BILLS Beverly Hills Hill Billies’ stage career was a brief one, for the sole reason that MacMillan Petroleum Products Company withdrew the act, when it was seen that stage appearances de- tracted, rather than lent to its prestige. . Sight, of the “Billies,” working on a stage took away that indefinable glamour, which the act built for itself when heard over the air from KM PC. It’s another instance of radio people being O.K. on air, but not so forte on stage. Same rule sometimes works when vaude goes broadcast. To their credit, it must be said that Billies did big business, pulling as a real box office attraction. Funny thing is that they retain their Radio “It” when viewed in home environment of the studio. Every night, mob fights to get inside, where seating capacity is limited. Those unable to get in, trample shrubbery outside studio windows, fighting for a look, TOO BRIGHT LIGHTS Bright lights in the foyer of the Biltmore theatre are entirely out of place. These lights are immediately behind the doors, and when these open for late comers or during a scene, they flood the auditprium and detract from the enjoyment of the play. Many complaints are heard in the theatre, but perhaps attention has not been called to the management. Auditorium could be protected by a screen or what is more practical, sub- dued or colored globes could be substituted. CAFE BUSINESS SLIPS Cafe business is losing its shirt. Everything’s shot, and the loss in traffic is attributed— First—to raids recently staged by various authorities, with results that whether or not a patron has anything on his hip, he’s afraid to attend a cafe for fear he and his girl companion may have a tough time proving they’re on the wagon. Second—and this is reputed to pack a laugh—the movie chatter writers, on their rounds of the cafes have been spotting this or that spender from Hollywood, usually a movie chap, out with a gal friend. When the paper comes out, the chatterer has the cafe incident in bold type, and sometimes that doesn’t make a hit with home tie pals of either party. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 Of INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE & SCREEN, published Weekly at Los An- geles, California, for Oct. 1, 1930. State of California County of Los Angeles SS: Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, per- sonally appeared Jack Josephs, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Lditor of the Inside Facts of Stage & Screen and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true state- ment of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, re- quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher: Inside Facts Publishing Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Editor: Jack Josephs, 801 Warner Bros. Bldg. (Downtown) Los Angeles Managing Editor: Jack Josephs, 801 Warner Bros. Bldg. (Downtown) Los An- geles. Business Manager: Jean Armand, 801 Warner Bros. Bldg. (Downtown) Los An- geles. 2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each individual member, must be given.) Inside Facts Publishing Co., 801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles Jack Josephs, Warner Bros. Bldg., Los Angeles; Henry J. Matson, Jr., 8226 Sunset Blvd., iLos Angeles; Arthur Wm. Green, Bank of Italy Bldg., Los An- geles; Jean Armand, 1645 N. Alexandria, Los Angeles;' J. C. Cohen, 109 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco; Wm. P. Kyne, 442 17th Ave., San Francisco; Aimee McLean Verrill, Los Angeles; Fred Good, 422 Wall St., Los Angeles. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders own- ing or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock- holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the per- son or corporation for whom such truseee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant’s full knowledge and be- lief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; an dthis affiant has no reason to believe that any person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publicatoin sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is—(This information is required from daily publications only.) , JACK JOSEPHS , (Signature of Editor) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1930. , DAVID E. HIN-C'KLE (SEAL) (My commission expires May 24, 1932) Barbara Bedford and ex-husband, Alan Roscoe, have announced inten- tion to remarry as soon as Roscoe finishes rehearsal of “The Queen’s Husband” at RKO Studios. * * * Ernst Lubitsch, who battled with Hans Kraly over his wife’s affec- tions at a benefit ball given by Mary Pickford and Doug Fairbanks at the Embassy Club last week, declared, following his final decree of divorce, he’ll make the couple a handsome wedding present. * * * Gladys George, was awarded a de- cree of divorce from her husband, Arthur Benjamin Erway, film actor, this week, charging cruelty. * * * The application for permit to drill in the new Venice oil field by the sons of Alexander Pantages was held by the city council for future reference. IMPROMPTU ACTS RECEIVE WELCOME AT ‘SWAGGER INN’ Business at the Swagger Inn, formerly Coffee Dan’s, and now operated by Carl Pelley with Art Varian as master of ceremonies is picking up. Pelley _ has made many new changes in the appearance of the cellar spot and is operating upon a no cover charge basis. A four piece orchestra is in for lunch, and dishes out some good dance music for the noon and evening trade. Since the opening last week, well known acts have returned to their former haunt, offering impromptu entertainment. Good food at reasonable prices, viz., full course luncheon for 50 cents and dinner for 75 cents, is another of the factors presaging success. HURST GETS KENNEDY Jack Kennedy, who has been fea- tured lately in a series of Pathe short subjects, and also appeared in a principal role of “The Big House,” has been engaged to play with Paul Hurst in Hurst’s second short prize fight picture for Tiff- any, “De Woild Champeen.” DOROTHY BETTER Dorothy Lee, RKO Radio Pic- tures’ featured player, has returned to the studio, completely recovered from a severe cold. She is rehears- ing for “Hook, Line and Singer,” in which she will play opposite Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey. WITH BERT AND BOB Natalie Moorehead has been giv- en an important role in “Hook, Line and Sinker,” co-featuring Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey. Ed- ward Cline will direct, with Dor- othy Lee, Jobyna Howland, Ralf Harolde, Hugh Herbert and Gustav von Seyffertitz in supporting parts. AD REEL SIDELINE Lee Hugunin, assistant general manager to Mack Sennett, an- nounces the operation of a commer- cial film department for advertising reels, under the guidance of C. W. McCann. The department will have full use of the studio facilities, in- cluding Sennett coloring. THOMPSON GOES EAST Charles F. Thompson, of the Los Angeles and C. F. Thompson Studios, is taking a brief visit east on business and pleasure. WEEMS OPENS Opening of Ted Weems and his orchestra, at Roosevelt Hotel was especially swanky, on account of the newly decorated Blossom Room. Walter C. Kelly was mas- ter of ceremonies. LEVEY TOURS CIRCUIT Bert Levey is on an extended trip north, looking over the field where he recently added more houses to the circuit. ILLUSIONIST RETURNS The Great Raymond has returned from an extended Mexican tour. Arrangements are concluded enab- ling Raymond to present his illus- ion act at the Shrine Auditorium, October 17. Hello, El Brendel. Hello, James Madison. What do you think of the political situation? Nowadays it is less important for a candidate to throw his hat into the ring than to put his foot on the rail. Hello, Millie Pedro. Hello, James Madison. What is the best way to help fire prevention? Take out smaller insurance policies. Hello, Eddie Cantor. Hello, James Madison. Adolf Hitler advises Germany to seize Russia. Migh^ as weli tell them to grab a red-hot stove. Hello, Jerry Hoffman. Hello, James Madison. D. W. Griffith seems in a sort of daze. He’s not quite sure whether he made ‘Abraham Lincoln,’ or whether ‘Abraham Lincoln’ made him. Hello, Betty Ross Clarke. Hello, James Madison. I understand the Order of Un- dertakers is going to have a pic- nic shortly. “Death takes a holiday.” Hello, Bert Wheeler and Rob- ert Woolsey. Hello, James Madison. At what age do you like girls best? Sweet sexteen. Hello, “Carter the Magician.” Hello, James Madison. What’s the funniest thing you ever saw? A sign in the old Midway The- atre, San Francisco which read, “Performers are not permitted to use the word ‘hell’ on the stage. We are going there fast enough and don’t wish to be re- minded of the fact.” Hello, George Yoman. Plello, James Madison. Why are so many senators bow-legged? From straddling the prohibi- tion question. Babe Sherman stopping ’em . . . with “Roll, Roll, Rolling Along” at Loew’s last week . . . the same lady telling us what a great guy B.B.B. is . . . and we acquiesced . . . and also her “rave” on Frankie Richardson . . . The big night at B.B.B.’s with everybody happy . . . the boy sure has a load of friends and rightly so . . . Rose Valyda . . . who somehow should have been one of those .“Three French Girls” . . . she’s a real Parisian . . . with a marvelous voice and personality . . . and what a pair in pictures she and little Marian Belett would make . . . the long and short of it . . . another Dressler-Moran team . . . laughs, voice, song and dance . . . Brown and Willa . . . those charming English artists ... on the same bill . . . with their elaborate rag-doll offering . . . with whom we sympathize for their recent losses . . . and hand them the palm for their typical old country grit for keeping smiling . . . Lottie Mayer and her hubby, who, incidentally, can step out any time as a good p. a. . . . chatting to the columnist in their dressing room . . . going back some years with their billing . . . and reviving memories of vaude days . . . Ed Cheney and his brother packing . . . the former is a sweet dancer . . . and looks like a fashion plate in his evening togs . . . we thought of him last night while looking over some of the opera crowd as tailors had turned them out . . . some of them sure looked terrible in their “toppers” and cut-aways . . . probably would have been more at home in a business suit . . . but what the men lacked in appearance . . . and comfort . . . the ladies of the screen more than took care of . . . we noticed in the foyer . . . no, there is insufficint space in this column to enumerate everybody . . _. but “everybody” was there ... to pay homage to the charming artist . . . Hope Hampton. Peggy Griffin . . . with Ruth Eleanore . . . amidst the Rolls Royces . . . nearly bumping into Jack Dempsey and his beautiful wife . . . Estelle Taylor . . . who, despite other “names,” was as ever the center of attrac- tion . . . Leo B. Forbstein . . . friend of many years . . . enjoying well deserved success and attention at Warner Bros. . . . still the same Leo . . . irrespective. Sig Bosley and Bernard Prager . . . the latter receiving the glad hand . . . and being called Bernie . . . enthusiastic with business . . . and who wouldn’t be . . . with a catalog like these boys have . . . Bobby Gross . . . together with his delightful misses . . . taking a well-deserved afternoon off . . . to watch U.S.C. trounce Oregon State . . .Bobby and Sig . . . trying to figure . . . like all good song pluggers should . . . how to get that plug in the game ... to the sixty thousand customers . . . and we’ll bet this Corona . . . that they’ll land it somehow or another . . . Walter Hiers ... at Paramount . . . receiving some fans at the stage door . . . why is it fat men are always so darned good-natured . . . digging up the best German ... to chat with the G Sisters . . . and their mother . . . also at the Paramount . . . Rubinoff bemoaning a dressing-room loss . . . Old man Riley . . . doorman there ... as cheerful as ever . . . telling some stage door Johnnies where to head in . . . Riley is O.K. but don’t try to rile him . . . Cherrie Cooper . . . writing from New York . . . and padding excuses for Buck Warren . . . Syl Cross . . . writing from the cold north . . . but still hot about “Dixie” and “Tonight” . . . Miss Kenyon dropping a line about the same numbers . . . Yvette . . . who was quite a hit up north . . . repeating her success in the Gourfain production . . . and asking about the boy friend in San Francisco . . . how about it H. B.? . . . Maxine . . . the exotic dancer . . . paying a visit to the press . . . she is still working for Madame Zucca’s cafes . . . and will go to San Francisco to open in three weeks. Mister DeMille (C.B.) going to the hospital after talking on the radio Wednesday night . . . Grace Moore on her way to Europe . . . William Haines and Eddie Nugent making faces at each other . . . Anita Page out golfing with Father O’Donnell . . . who had on green socks on a Tuesday . . . Lew Stone up to Ojai Monday . . . and the only reason he knew how to spell it is he got a speed ticket there once . . . Gene Markey showing up at the MGM plant with a new white fedora and spats. PHIL ISELIN DIES Phil Iselin, at one time a well known theatre owner in Cleveland, Ohio, died suddenly, two weeks ago. Reaching Albrquerque, while on a tour east, he was stricken sud- denly. Last business venture was outdoor advertising in Memphis, Tenn. Remains were sent on to Memphis. Iselin was fifty-four years old. FLINN BACK ON LOT John Flinn. in charge of two reel comedies at Pathe Studios, returned from New York this week. COMEDY ON WIDE Film laboratories at Universal have received a rush order for prints of Slim Summerville’s second short reel comedy “We, We, Marie,” first wide-screen short sub- ject to come from the studios. BACK WITH F. & M. Bobby Callaghan and Warren Jackson left New Yorker Idea, after the Loew’s State engagement. Last week, however, they rejoined the Idea in Long Beach, after an amicable adjustment of salary diffi- culties.