Inside facts of stage and screen (October 11, 1930)

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PAGE TEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Vaudeville and Presentations DENVER THEATRE DENVER, Reviewed Oct. 3 “Chinese Whoopee” was Jack Partington’s Publix creation for this week, and with one or two ex- ceptions, this unit is entirely Ori- ental. It is a fast moving show, backed by beautiful dragon and lan- tern embrossed settings, and has a good right to the claim of being “different.” This second afternoon show was all muddled up to start, something going haywire with the power plant, leaving house practicallj dark, just as Fred Schmidt and his Denver Grand Orchestra came up with “Melody Land,” a pretty ar- rangement of popular dance hits of today. Mr. Schmidt met the emer- gency well, playing 27 minutes in a vain effort to give workmen time to repair the break. Things begin to lag here and the house began to get impatient. A torrid 7-piece Chinese string band then came on, with an excel- lent tenor, singing “Why,” follow- ing with various popular hits, stall- ing for time. These boys are plenty hot and took heavy returns. Joe Wong, a versatile young Oriental, then rendered “Exactly Like You/ encoring with “Monterey.” Came back for an imitation of Cliff Ed- wards that was good and took a good hand. House still dark, and it began to look like ho show, but Winfred and Mills saved the day with a fast line of chatter, which gave the people plenty of iftighs. Lights now on and Mills, in black, with sailor garb, does some nifty hoofing, ending with Oriental yodeling, in a pleas- ing manner. Good hand here. The line of 12 Chinese boys and girls now on for a snappy routine in true American fashion. The String band surely work this performance, back now with “Sing You Sinners”. These lads are good and easily take top honors. Joe Wong back, this time imi- tating Rudy Valle. A good voice, but too much accent to put it over. Now does a dance for a good hand. Kee Kee and Shaw, doing a fancy waltz specialty, show grace and ease in putting their number over for ex- cellent returns. Finale with entire company on. A nice tap dance by a boy and girl from the line, and another by a boy from the band. This unit, while not as good as the usual run, had talent galore and was different. Audience seemed well pleased with the fare. Business this performance was not so forte, but the rain may have kept them home. Picture was “Call of the Flesh” with Ramon Novarro. Dusty. TABOR GRAND DENVER Reviewed Sept. 27 Business was poor for this after- noon performance, despite the per- sonal appearance of two kid mem- bers of “Mickey McGuire’s Gang,” of movie fame, Arthur and Mar- vin Stevens. These youngsters are perfectly at home on the stage and do a neat buck dance to a big hand. Marvin then sings “Down by the Winiger Woiks,” and both lads come back for a nice song and dance. Buddy Howe helped the boys along by working up applause. Fanchon and Marco’s “Victor Herbert Idea,” as the final presen- tation on this stage, depicts all the glory and appeal of the master pieces of the great old music mas ter. It is beautifully staged, and lacks nothing in the way of talent. While it could stand a bit more comedy, it is entertaining enough, and was well received throughout. Walter Powell, a novelty trom- bonist, billed as a home town boy. assisted by Buddy Howe, got plen ty of laugh$ with his clever imita tions and deep bass notes. Enough cannot be said about this group of Ernest Belcher dancers. They prove to be an excellently trained aggregation and go through some very difficult and intricate for- mations, one of which, the entire ensemble do a tough routine in squatting position. This number drew heavy applause. High light of this production was the dancing of Buddy Howe. This lad is some hoofer and was called back, doing some neat stepping on stairs to a great hand. The Victor Herbert Quartette sing, throughout the bill, beautiful melodies of this great American composer, in a very pleasing man ner. Electric Duo, two clever young girls, do some exceptionally good acrobatic dancing and receive plen ty of applause for their efforts. Finale was a novel affair, girls descending from above in revolving balls. Real pretty. People here will miss such presentations as this, and it is only to be hoped that Fanchon and Marco’s Ideas will be back in, when house reopens. “Inside the Lines” was the film offering. Dusty. R-K-O VAUDEVILLE RKO THEATRE (Reviewed Oct. 3) Captain Dobbsie and his Shell Happytime crew, a nationally known broadcasting unit, undoubt- edly brought in a goodly per cent of the patrons, who vociferouslv ap- plauded their radio favorites’ efforts As vaudeville entertainment, billed as it was, the headline offering, it is perhaps not up to usual RKO standard, but as entertainment value and drawing power to the b. o., it surpasses many of the regulars. Dobbsie’s “hold” on his audience was emphasized when he asked them to stand for a full moment “and send out a good thought..” There are few vaudeville acts that can a, mlish this. The offering had its laugh spots, provided by .Wee Willie Hancock. In its high lights, the offering fea- tured Miss Thompson, harpist; Dixie and Patsy Marsh, a nifty duo of fern harmonists; Don O’Brien, an Irish tenor, who clicked with his rendition of “Mother Machree;” Will Powers, a colored boy, who also landed with “Old Man River.” He stopped it cold. Max Dolin, violin virtuoso, had no trouble in stopping the proceed- ings with his classic renditions. In lieu of encoring this performance, Max made a speech of thanks, and took time out to present Dobbsie with a Masonic charm, a present from Dobbsie’s company. Signor Friscoe, a xylophonist as- sisted by two marimbas played by a quartette of Guatamalans and a fifth on the double bass, presented some selections in which Friscoe shows his dexterity on the instru- ment. Fairly entertaining, but Friscoe is not the type to do the jazz dancing steps he includes in his work. .Maddox and Clark, two girls, are great. They have an original line of patter and one of them, the comic, has a style of humor that is sure fire. They are both very pleas- ing in apearance, and the act went over for a wow. Evans and Wolf present a happy musical comedy act, and La Belle Pola aided by some monkeys, pre- sents what is . perhaps the highest development in monkey training seen here. Le Belle Pola dances the charleston and blackbottom with perfect time and steps. It is a remarkable act. They use the monkey band idea, done many times but always o.k. HIPPODROME THEATRE LOS ANGELES (Reviewed October 1) Adrenne opened the show in full stage, and for her first number put over a dance. Then to pedestal on top of table and did some neat con- tortion tricks. Followed by a back bend on two chairs while drinking a glass of water. A fast novelty and a good opening act. Johnny and Mary, in deuce spot, offer tap, soft shoe, and off-rhythm routines in great style. Clever act and goes over big. Rice and Cody, two men in the old Dutch makeup, put one in mind of the bygone days, when Rogers Bros., Weber and Fields and Kolb and Dill were in their prime. These two old-timers really put over a good act. Old beer bit went over big, and other bits they had, put over in neat style. Did couple of songs—and all in all it is okay. The Wyers, man and woman in one with piano, opened with woman singing. Man plays cornet solo with femme vocalling. Followed by fem with accordian and man with cornet, both offering fast num- ber for finish. Nice act. Tom Kelly, next to closing. Not necessary to tell much about him. Tom is a standard act, and his stories and gags and songs are put over in big time style. Three Joy Boys closed show in full stage. Boys do some great tricks, and no stalling while work- ing. They do some back falls from pedestal to hands, and for finish put over a great dive from spring board to hands. Picture was “The Locked Door,” with Rod La Rocque. Bob. “MODERNE REVUE” HARRY GOURFAIN PRODUCTION (Reviewed at Paramount Theatre) Walter Hiers distinguishes this revue with a patter of quips which were good. His familiar appear- ance and pleasing personality gets him over strong. Rubinoff again entertained with his fiddle and trick boy. Rubinoff is both a violinist and fiddler. Knows his instrument an.d his music, both classical and popular. He's to be guest conductor for the next few weeks. Irving Talbot, for his last offering as baton swinger, presented “Orpheus Overture” with commonplace interpretation. Sisters G are long on showman- ship and looks and what they do is ordinary. They dance with grace and excellent training and smile ravishingly. Boswell Sisters sang some sweet harmony songs, one playing the piano. Well known among the radio fans and went over big. Joe and Willie Hale got a hat- full of laughs with their comedy act that was well up to standard, and Sam Coslow created a very favorable . impression with his splendid singing voice. Three Blue Blazers, fast step- pers, danced themselves into some well merited applause. Jules Buf- fano and his syncopaters support- ed the acts musically. new dance routines. Act is kept at fast tempo all through, with never a dull moment. Picture was The Four Marx Brothers in “Animal Crackers.” Bob. MILLION DOLLAR THEATRE LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Oct. 1) Grant Wallace Revue opened the show. Two men and two women in full stage. Plenty of dancing, music, and pretty costumes. The two boys offer some clever tap and off-rhythm dances and one girl puts over a toe high kicking, while the other femme offers some good jnusic on the accordion. A neat act. _ Four Playmates, a quartette of nice looking lads, on next. Offered some good singing numbers. Put over a comedy song that added much to the act. Well received. William Desmond and Company followed, in a sketch called “The Dude Bandit.” Act apened with a short picture, then into full stage. A fast moving playlet. A1 Abbott, next to closing. A1 has been missing for a time and it was good to see him again. His imitations of the different people he saw at a school entertainment were put over in great style. Act is standard, and he stopped the show cold. Four Covans closed the show. This is a repeat for them and they went over very good, offering some “DOLL FOLLIES” FANCHON AND MARCO IDEA (Reviewed at Loew’s State) One of the most interesting and attractive presentations which F & M have yet devised, is this Doll Follies. It culminates a very en- tertaining program in which Rube Wolf and his band, dressed as wooden soldiers, render some fit- ting selections. As usual. Rube has a line of comedy that gets plenty of laughs, being the principal com- edy on the bill. Lottie Loder, held over for a second week, does her specialty in man's attire. It is a far better of- fering than her previous week’s act and made a decided impression. The doll idea was a development of Les Klicks, and it clicked. The dolls are beautifully illuminated animal marionettes, and bring forth shrieks of delight from the chil- dren. Bebe Sherman, diminutive blue songstress, landed heavy with her “Roll, Roll, Rolling Along.” A clever fem that knows how to sell her stuff, nice voice and plenty of" showmanship. The chorus, trained by Roy Loomis, scored heavily in a novelty costume number, in which they were green toy soldiers when fac- ing the audience, and minstrel blackface when they turned their backs. They go through a drill rou- tine of taps in which they reverse alternately, and the effect is re- markable. LaSalle and Mack furnished the laughs, and loads of ’em, in a com- edy combination of tumbling and acrobatics. The boys work smooth- ly and merited the heavy applause. The idea closed in keeping with the doll effect, with the girls hav- ing large illuminated lamps on fish poles that swing out over the audi- ence. Clever stuff and a nice flash finish. HIPPODROME THEATRE LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Oct. 5) Bert Hanley opened show in two and offered some clever juggling of Indian clubs. Followed by juggling hats and balls. For finish Hanley put over a good routine of juggling five balls on floor. Nice act. Trainor and LeRoy, in deuce spot with some comedy talk. Man put over a good song, followed by more talk and harmony duet for finish. McGowan and McGowan, man and woman colored, opened in one with a fast double song and dance. Then a fast tap by both. Followed by a single dance by man, and a double song and dance for finish. Martin Sisters followed, putting over four good harmony numbers. Girls look nice, know how to sing, have class and stunning clothes (Continued on Page 11) JAN RUB1NI THE GREAT CONDUCTOR Creates a thrill and sensation at every performance conducting the SAN FRANCISCO FOX THEATRE GRAND ORCHESTRA in “FAUST.” ,, Ruhini proved himself a brilliant conductor by Ieadine the Fox concert orchestra m a fantasy from ‘Faust.' The !f 8 3 al '° n answered his baton stirringly and a sustained roar of applause made an encore necessary.” —Lloyd Thompson, S. F. Examiner. THE CRITICS SAID: “Jan Rubini, leading: the Fox concert orchestra in ‘Faust* won tumultous encores yesterday.” —Fred Johnson. S. F. Call-Bulletin. AGAIN THANKS TO A. M. BOWLES ‘Jan Rubini, guest conductor of the Fox grand orchestra, adds one of the brightest spots on the whole program. His conducting brings selections from ‘Faust’ to life.” —Robert Dwyer, S. F. News. THE O’NEILL SISTERS ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW STUDIOS OF STAGE DANCING IN THE BALCONADES BUILDING — STUDIO 308 PHONES: UNderhill 7463—UNderhill 6792 SAN FRANCISCO