Inside facts of stage and screen (February 14, 1931)

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Saturday, February 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Three Taxi Dance Spots Call War On Social Clubs — ^ In Hollywood « Now By BUD MURRAY Friday, February 6, 1931, will be a banner day in our lives, and with humble pride we point to our little gesture of atmospheric prologue, with our “Land Rush Day” as a sort of a prefix to the great "Cimarron,” historic epic—What a marvelous picture, and those characterizations—Notably Richard Dix, himself, re incarnated as it were—Irene Dunn, so superb,— our boy friend Georgie Stone, finds himself as a real character actor, not. just a boy who plays "rat” parts—Our dear old girl friend Edna Mae Oliver, who workt in “The Dream Girl" in 1923, which we handled for the Messrs. Shubert in Noo Yawk—Miss Oliver certainly stole the comedy honors of this picture—Roscoe Ates from vaude- ville played every once of comedy his part had and received many rounds of applause this opening nite—the way these four actors aged in make-up, speech and actions as the picture tore its way from 1889 to 1931 was remarkable—Not a bit fakey— Well let the reviewer tell you more about it, we Bud Murray could go on raving about this picture forever, and we are very thankful that we had the opportunity to stage a prologue, to a picture’ of this calibre, which was half the bat- tle Curtain went up on time, and no hitches in the mechanical end, BUT—just, as Fred Niblo, who was master-of-ceremonies and was scheduled to introduce the stars after the picture, there was a terriftic blast outside the theatre, and for a second it lookt like a grand rush for the doors, but the quick thinking of Mr. Cliff Work, western divisional head of RKO Orpheum circuit, who was seated in the back of the house, saved the big panic—Mr. Work yelled out, “Keep your seats, it's just a flashlight”—and they did, with a little restlessness—But when we got out of the theatre, and took a look at the sidewalk and middle of the street blown rite out like the top of Mt. Vesuvius, we began to realize how luck}' we were and the hundreds of others, who were gathered. There is no need to go into detail regarding “who’s who” at this premiere, because we noticed everyone of any account in the Motion Picture and Stage world there, and for fear we mite omit some of our best friends, we say, “A good time was had by all” IN LOS ANGELES that nite. Then to the Roosevelt Hotel Blossom Room after the pre- miere, and we chaperoned one of the Alexander sisters (Mrs. Green- span)—Oh, yes! Mrs. Gladys Murray was there—At a table a large party including Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warner—Edward G. Robinson, the new Warner star who has made such a smash in “Little Caesar” that jack Warner tore up his few weeks’ old contract, and gave him a new one, which runs into five figures and “privileges*’—Georgie Stone at the same table all agog over the success of his portrayal of Sol Levy in “Cimarron,” and he should be—he was great, and we look for bigger and better parts for Georgie from now on. and not crook parts either— They haven’t heard this kid’s German dialect yet or haven't seen him dance in pictures—Noticed Mark Kelly, Examiner sports writer, in a corner—and in another corner Ralph Farnum, the man'who has a desert complex and intends to go back to the desert for the rest of his lff-e— Our cute pupil, Alice White, and her sweetie, Cy Kahn, always together and what a figure they cut on a dance floor—Ray Hallor and Biil (stage) Boyd getting the fair sex’s eyes—We see a very dear friends in A1 Christie and Mrs. Fern Christie—They bring back fond memories of our first stage production out here on the coast, meaning “Good News”— Abe Lyman stepping over to the table for a few minutes and being given the burn—and by the “Champ” of burners, Louis Greenspan—Ly- man’s band is still in the class "A”—What a versatile gang he has—We haven't seen his outfit in some time:—There is a great improvement—And to our great surprise we noticed that the head man in the Blossom Room is none other than our old Chicago pal without the holster, Joe Mann, whom we think is the rite sort of person for a room of this calibre—He should do wonders to make the place more popular, IN HOLLYWOOD NOW. After the opening here, a hurried trip to San Francisco to look at the Twin “Cimarron” prologue which is exactly the same as the Los Angeles show—There we meet that genial Manager of San Francisco Orpheum, Jack Gross, who has that warmth in a greeting which makes House Managers liked—Up there they are breaking all records, and as Mr. Gross remarkt, at last the ’Frisco people know there is an Or- pheum Theatre on Market Street—and are we glad?—We still say the picture is great and our little prologue is just a sort of an “appetizer”— The public will tell the tale, by the “Box Office Route”—While in the Big Town we dropt into the S. F. “Facts Office” and truly we admire the life and spirit of the staff—so we meet Mr. Harold Bock, Manager, for the first time and find him a very pleasant gentleman with a real honest-to-goodness hand shake—Harold has many friends her in ’Frisco, as we quickly found out making a tour of the theatre. And, so we couldn't refrain from dropping into the Olympic Tuesday when the newly appointed boxing commission started off their campaign for state championships by awarding the first state Bantam champion- ship belt to Speedy Dado, whom we always liked, win or lose, and whether his shoulder went out or not—Speedy certainly cuffed Newsboy around more than we ever saw Brownie manhandled before—It was a tough fite for either or.e to lose—They were both great—And this Speedy makes us think of Rancho Villa, how like they are—Long live the King—It seemed everyone turned out for this one and for the first time in months have we seen the Olympic sold out—Miss America of 1930 was introduced in the ring, and started the lites by giving both liters the gloves—It was ever thus—(A WOMAN)—Then Joe E. Brown, announced as “Mr. America,” gave out the State Championship belt—(We didn't notice any diamonds in it)—What a glorious surprise to see our last Boss in Noo Yawk at the fites—None other than George White, and a big hand shake and hello—It sure was good to see him— Jesse Lasky rite with him and we noticed Joseph Schenck rite up in front—A few words with a real dance director and our friend, truly—We mean Dave Bennett—Rite next to us Ed Tierney (hubbv of that clever comedienne, Marjorie White)—Oh, yes! Ed now runs a Dancing School, too, but Not in Hollywood, it’s in Pasadena, and doing nicely, Thank you—B. B. B. trying to promote a ticket for his boy friend, The Dummy Newsboy—Olsen and Johnson yelling at the verdict—As Ike Edwards does the opposite—Redmond Wells all het up, too—Harry Gribbon and Andy Clyde want to know what time the statue horses appear, under the new lite shades here—And so we have a State bantam champion in Hollywood NOW. So, What? "“Cimarron” Packs’ Em In To Gross of $34,000 “Cimarron” was rated for big"*' week at spe.cial prices and two dough the dpeuing week, and BATTLE CAUSE IS Hill FI III PARTKERS1! BOYS A war is on between the taxi dance halls and the so-called social clubs which cater to the Filipino trade. The taxi spots are preparing to fire the opening barrage by tipping off the proper parties that the dance halls are frequently using the same permit for two or more weeks, and also that they are not paying any royalties to the Authors and Com- posers’ League for the music they are using. They hope by this attack to so hamper the profits of the social clubs that the latter will find it un- profitable to continue in business. The cause of the war is the habit the Filipino habitues of the taxi and social® spots have developed. The lads from the islands, finding it cheaper to dance all evening at one of the social clubs than at a taxi dance hall, raid the taxi spots for their girls and then, take them to the clubs. They can do this on a mon- ey-saving basis, even when they pay the taxi girls from $5 to $15 for their company for the evening. Nat- urally the taxi places lose money when their girls walk out to go to the social clubs. The clubs operate under a. $20 permit for a once-a-week social. Frequently, the taxi hall people charge, they use the same permit for two or more affairs, and this they also intend to bring to the atten- tion of the proper authorities, they declare. LIMITED COMPANY Pineau and House, a stage light- ing company, have transformed their company over into a limited corporation. Dave .House is presi- dent, Gene Pineau is vice president and treasurer and Paul J. Breckin- ridge is secretary. Hollowell Has Ace Record In M® oi C. Ranks Bert Hollowell, whose picture appears on page one of this is- sue, is now in his third success- ful month as director of Loew’s State Theatre Orchestra in Los Angeles, where his overtures are arousing enthusiastic com- ment. Bert has had a thorough musical education, studying un- der the great violinist Musin in New York and Andre Caplet of the Paris Conservatory in France. He has 'been able to capitalize on his outstanding ability and training ever since his opening hit as General Mu- sical Director for the Southern Amusement Company, whose theatres cover North and South Carolina and Virginia. After eight years with this outfit he went to the Knickerbocker The- atre, Washington, D. C., re- maining for a year and a half. Next he spent two and a half years at the National Theatre, Richmond, Va. Then he con- ducted at the Howard Theatre, Atlanta, Ga., for a year. From there he went to the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham, where he remained for three and a half years. Since starting his professional career, he has played in four theatres during a period of eight years—quite a record for any m. c. to shoot at. topped expectations by some few grand. Thirty-four thousand dol- lars was the take. Reports com- ing in, from the East have this, summarized as the ace biz getter for 1931. This puts Richard Dix and Irene Dunne up among the leaders for boxoffice. For a grind at regular prices the checkup in- dicates “Cimarron” in for a healthy run. The Fox Chinese came under the wire for second place with $32,749 on its third ? Round the Lots By BETTY GALE- When it comes to real efficiency in directing, there are mighty few who can click like Jimmy Cruze. Wandering out on the Educa- tion lot, I watched him at work on his latest talkie, “Salvation Nell." Everything was working like clockwork, with none of the long unnecessary waits which are even more common these days than in the old silent era. It’s a real thrill to see our sometimes- branded inefficient movie industry in the grip of such perfect sys- tem. Incidentally., Jimmy has gone, about selecting his cast with the usual meticulous care he exhibits. Included are Helen Chandler, Ralph Graves, Sally O’Neil, Jason Robards, Charlotte Walker, Ma- thew Betz and DeWitt Jennings. Helen is “Nell,” Ralph is opposite her, and Sally O'Neil is second fem lead. Originally Lola Lane was se- lected for the part which Sally O’Neil is playing. But when Lola discovered that Helen Chandler had been chosen for the title role, she let it be known that she thought she should have had the part herself, being, or so she in- timated forcefull, as capable of swinging the title role as Helen. So they got Sally. To an un-gutteraled American, sounds are considerable like a madhouse around the M-G-M “Big House,” German version. Caught them shooting the escape se- quences, and excitement was done in rolling r’s and throaty sounds that are certain to be extremely thrilling over in Rhineland: Dr. Paul Fejos is directing. In the cast are included George Hien- rich, Gust ■ Diesel, Egon Dongor- don, Paul Morgan and Gito Par-lo. I wonder why, when capable di- rectors are badly needed in the talking pictures, Hollywood does not give a break to tho%e who have made brilliant successes abroad—and can prove it. One young director has just re- turned from a series of excel- lently done pictures in France and England, with all the data necessary to prove that that was just the case. But apparently Hollywood won't even take the time 1o look his references over. If it would he would have been snapped up weeks ago. MRS. RENALDO WINS Mrs. Duncan Renaldo won her case against her movie actor hus- band in the battle for custody of their 4-year-old child. Mrs. Renaldo was represented by Paul" Shapiro, a prominent local theatrical and motion picture attorney. j a day. Three years’ production j and exploitation with big book sale makes this a natural for. the money, and will probably hold for a record at this house. It is considered one of the best pieces of merchandise Fox has drafted since taking this class house over. “Bachelor Father,” with Marion Davies, did $21,820 at Loew's State. Considered the best Davies picture ever coming out under the M-G-M banner, this take is dis- appointing. It fails to reach the “Reducing" money by half. War- ners’ Downtown collected $16,000 with “Little Caesar” the second | week, which outstrips the Holly- wood showing of the same picture by $10000. "The Criminal Code” got $14,410 at Pantages, Holly- wood and RKO downtown followed ""ffh “The Pointed Desert," Pathe Feature and Vaudeville for $13,550. The Egyptian collected $4321, only fair; Paramount Downtown the same because of poor story- tor Bow and the United Artists doing good. Two days at the Carthay Circle gave “East Lvnne” $2846. m in spot FI CEiTH.IL 1, The Chez Norman, one of the most elaborate night clubs in the local field is to be opened Feb. 27 on Central Avenue. Norman Thomas, head of the Norman Thomas Quintette, now playing at the Chinese Theatre with “Trader Llorn” is owner of the spot. Elis quintette will be aug- mented to 11 pieces when he takes it into the Chez. Cabaret features will- consist of individual high class entertainers and the orchestra. There will not be a floor show. A heavy' money layout has been made by Norman. Marble and tile grille and coffee shop in connection with a private dining room done in the French way. There is a dining balcony for private parties off the main dancing and dining salon and a patio with lounging facilities in the modernistic manner. Thomas has decided to abandon the blatant blaring arrangements in his musical program, giving instead the whis- pering style, soft, sweet and low. Special arrangements are on the way for the orchestra. New Entrance Gambling on the value of a Broadway entrance for his theatre on Eighth Street, Lou Bard cut an entrance through to Broadway about two months ago. The cost was $20,000 and rental for the store which Bard took over to do it is $3000 a month. So far the new en- trance has not justified the expense to this 40 cent-top house, but the owner is still gambling that it will. Otherwise he’ll re-rent the $3000-a- month space he is now occupvin for the change-over design. DOES BIG BIZ A landoffice business came to one spot due to the fact that the local show field went to the high of eleven openings in one week. Ed- win P. Daniels of the Hollywood Flower Garden on Vine Street re- ports the record business, orchids and gardenias being the favorites. CHAUNCEY HAYNES PREMIER ORGANIST NEW LOS ANGELES THEATRE Qreetings to My Friends in the Southland