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road, In stock and tent shows all over the country; m. non-professional; liy. hunting, Ushing. pipe collecting, reading, plays and pictures. He made his Urst stage appearance in the old Auditorium stock company in Spokane, Wash., in support of the famous Je.ssie Shirley and George McUuarrie, laicr playing low comedy and Horace Murphy s comedians in a muchly-moved lent ghuw. He also appeared with two medicine shows. Jle has played over auO plays, the last of which was George iScarlioroughB Chinese drama, "The Sun Daughter," produced in New York by David llelasco and in Los Angeles liy l>red Butler. In the picture industry for seven years, lie lias played In "The White Sheep, ' "The Battling Orioles," "The Poor Wul," "Painting the Town," "A Hero for a Night," 'How to Handle Women," and "Lonesome"; in lM2a in "It Can Be Done." "Broadway," "Ivid s Clever." "Barnum Was Klght," "Skinner Steps Out," all Universal; and in Ibju in "Dames Ahoy." "Iviiig of Jazz," "Lonesome," Uni^'arsal; "Daybreak," MGiVl; (li)31). "Dragnet Patrol," "Sky Si^ider," Mayfair; {,i.i)i2), "Neck and Neck," Sono ArtWorld VVide; ilboi: JJ; in Vanity Comedies for Kducational. In 11133: handled adaptation. "Kafter Romances," Kadio. In 11)34 wrote screen play of "Bachelor Bait." RKO. Wrote screen play and directed "Gridiron Flash," "Richest Girl in the World," KKO. In 1935 wrote additional dialogue for "Roberta," "Seven Keys to Baldpate," "In Person," "Old Man Rhythm," "Thoroughbreds All," RKO; additional dialogue, "The Daring Young Man,' "Orchids to You," h'ox. In 193G: "Easy to Take," Paramount; "Two in Revolt," RKORadio.
TRYTEL, WILLIAM: Musical Director and Composer Twickenham Film Studios and J. H. Productions, Ltd.. Elstree.
TSCHECHOWA, OLGA: Actress, r. n. Tschecnow ; b. Adrlanopel, Russia; blond hair. Since 1922 in German aims, introduced by F. W. Murnau. Films Include "Nora," "Die Selige Excellenz," 1927; "Das Meer" ; "Liebe im Ring"; "Troika"; "Der Detektiv des Kaisers"; "Die Drel von der Tankstelle," UFA, 1930; "Zwel Krawatten," "Llebllng der Gotter" ; "Das Madel von Der Reeperbahn" ; "Panik in Chicago," 1931; "Trenck. UFA; "Choral von Leuthen." 1933; "Llebelei" ; "Wege Zur Guten Ehe" ; "Heideschulmelster Uwe Karsten." UFA: "Zwlschen Zwel Herzen." "Die Welt Ohne Maske"; "Was Bin Ich Ohne Dlch." "Abenteuer Eines Jungen Herrn in Polen," "Peer Gynt," 1935, Bavaria Film Company; "Reglne." and others. In 193K: "Llebelei," General Foreign Sales. In 1937; "The Eternal Mask," Mayer-Burstyn; "Masquerade in Vienna," George Kraska.
TSISHEVSKY, V.: Player. In 1935; "Peter Vinogradov," Moscow Kino-Comblnat.
TSUBOUCHI, SHIKO; Manager of literary arts department of Toho Theatrical Co., Tokyo, b. Tokyo, Aug. 17, 1886; m. Namiko Kumol; e. Waseda and Harvard Universities. Was professor at Waseda Univ. In 1931, advisor of Takaruzuka; published "Nasuna Koi," "Klnpatsu110 Motsure" and many other scenarios and stories.
TSUKIGATA, RYUNOSUKE: Actor. r.n. Kivondo Kadota; b. Kj-oto. Japan. March IS, 1902; h. 5 feet .j inches; black hair and black eyes; w. 131 pounds; p. mother; e. high school; married; hy. fishing, painting. Worked as assistant at chemical laboratory. Entered Screen Players Training School, Nikkatsu Company. After graduation, with Makino. Toa, Shochiku and Shinko Priiductlons. Was independent producer, also stage actor. On screen in "Shirano Benjuro," "Niizu Tsuruchiyo," "Ketaguri Ondo," "Kunisada Chuji."
TSUKITA, ICHIRO: Actor, b. Japan. Nov. 27, 19(i:i: h. 5 ft. 5 in.; w. 121 pounds; married; e. Tokyo Middle School. Entered Kamata Studio. Shochiku Cinema Co. in 1929. Films include: "Yamano Gaika" and others. Joined Shinko Cinema Co.
TSUMASABURO, BAN DO: Actor. r. n. Denkhhi Tamura; b. Tsunohazu, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 14, 1901; h. 5 feet 6% Inches; black hair and black e.ves; w. 143 pounds; p. father a wholesaler; e. intermediate school: married; hy. music, baseball. At sixteen entered Kokusai Katsuyel Co., Ltd., under stage name of Yojiro Bando. With Shochiku, Makino. and Toa Productions. Established Bantsuma Productions, 1913. Severed relations with Shino. December, 1936. Films include: "Ijinmusume to Bushi." "Maboroshi." Sonno," "Kurueru Ningyoshi." "Nlizu Tsuruchiyo."
TSUTSUMI, MASAKO: Actress. b. Odawara-cho. Kanagawa Prefecture, Sept. IS, 1917; h. 5 feet, 3 inches; black hair and black eyes; w. 124 pounds; p. father a manufacturer: e. musical and dancing school connected with Nippon Gekijo; hobbies include music, drama. Was with
Nippon Gekijo Dancing Team. With I'.C.L. since 1931,
at time of estublishnient. Films include "Horohki,"
"Sumire Musume, ' "Otome Sannin Kyodai," "Namiko," "Jyogun TotsuseKitai." and others.
TUBB, DICK: Ac tur. in l'J3J: "The Old Curiosity SlMjp," Bll'.
TUCHOCK, WANDA: Writer, b. I'ueblo. Colorado. .March 2U; h. 5 feel 4 inclies; brown hair and brown eyes; w. 119; hy. Mexico; p. Mrs. E. Tuchock, nou professional; e. Graduate of University of California; Advertising, copywriting. Some of her screen play credits are for "Show People," "Hallelujah," "Not So Dumb," "Letty Lynton," "Bird of Paradise," "Billy the Kid," "New Morals for Old," "Susan Lennox," "Sporting Blood," "The Champ," "No Other Wuman." "Little Orphan Annie," "Bed of Roses," "Finishing School." "Grand Old Girl," "Ready for Love" (wrote and directed*. In 1935: wrote story of "Grand Old Girl," Radio; collaborated on screen ;day, "O'Shaughnessey's Boy," MGM.
TUCKER, EARL: Singer. In 1935: Universal short nroduct.
TUCKER, GEORGE: New York columnist (Associated I'ress evening newspapers) ; b. Beaumont, Texas, Oct. 20. 1903; p. J. F. Tucker; e. Castle Heights ililitary Academy, University Virginia; married, has one son. After leaving Virginia in 1924 went to the Columbus Dispatcli where he remained as sports writer and later assistant dramatic editor until 1929. From '29 to '33 handled publicity for Loews Theatres in Columbus and in the New York office. In November. 1933, joined the Associated Press as New York columnist for aiteruoon papers.
TUCKER, HARLAN: Actor. In 1933 appeared In "Phantom Broadcast." Monogram; "King For a Night,"
Universal. lii 1936: "Racing Lady," RKO-Radio. In 19,. 7: "Once a D(Htor," WB.
TUCKER, JERRY: Child Actor. b. Chicago. 111., November 1, 192h; h. 46 inches tall; red hair and blue eyes; w. 47 pounds; p. Leonard and Mrs. Schatz; his lather was a manager of prize Bghters. A radio artist at the age of tcur and then placed under contract by I'arainount. Appeared in "Fuiouluen AUieiituie." "Dr. .k-ykll and .Mr. Hyde," "Sooky," "The .Miracle Man." and "Blonde Venus, " "Tomorrow and Tomorrow," "Hello Everybody," for I'arainount, and "Private Lives." and "Prosperity," MGil, in 1933: "Sitting Pretty," ParanioiiMt. In 1936: "Anything Goes, Paramount; "Captain January," 20th Century-Fox. In 1937: "Penrod and Sam," Wit.
TUCKER, RICHARD; Ador. Bom in New York City: h. 5 feet 11 '/2 inches, blue eyes and brown and gray hair; w. 175 pounds; e. New York, Canadagua Academy. .>pecialized in history ; married; hy. riding. Has lived III New York City. Stage experience with Nat Goodwin, Ji.hn Drew, Henry E. Dixey, Mrs. Fiske, Bertha Kalich. Entered pictures in 1914 with Edison. Pictures Include; "Branding Iron," "Devils island," "W'inv:^. ' "Girl X'roin Rio," "Dearie," "On Trial," "Daughters of Desire," Excellent; Backle Baker in "The Dummy," Paramount; "The Squall," "Show Girl." First National: "Captain Swagger," "Love Over Night," Pathe; "Half Marriage," Radio Pictures; "Lucky Boy," TilTany-Stahi; "This Is Heaven," United Artists; "My Man, " Warner; "Synthetic Sin," First National; "The Benson Jlurder Case," Paramount; "Painted Faces," "Peacock Alley," Tiffany; "Courage." "The Man From Blankley's," Warner; "College Lovers" (1930), First National; "Manslaughter" (1930). Paramount; "Inspiration" (1930). 5IGM; In 1931: "Stepping Out," MGM; "Seed, ' Universal; "Hellhound." Educational; "Makers of Men," Columbia; "X Marks the Spot," TifTany; "The Deceiver," Columbia; "Graft." Universal; "Up For Murder," Universal. In 1933: "Daring Daughters," Capital Film; "The World Gone Mad." Majestic; "Saturday's .Millions." "Only Yesterday," Universal; "Public Stenographer," Showmen's Pii-tures. In 1934; "The Road to Ruin." First Division; "Countess of Monte Cristo," Universal; "A Modern Hero," First National; "Handy Andy," "Baby Take a Bow," Fox; "Money Means Nothing," Monogram; "Paris Interlude," MGM. In 1935: "Sing Sing Nights," Monogram; "Diamond Jim," Universal; "Shadow of Doubt," "Murder in the Fleet." "Calm Yourself," "Here Comes the Band," MGM; "Symphony of Living," Invincible. In 1936: "The Great Zierfeld." MGM; "Ring Around the .Moon," Chesterfield; "Flying Hostess." U; "The Plot Thickens," "I Loved a Woman," "Shall We Dance?" KKO Radio; "I Cover the War," Univ.; "The Girl Said Xo." GN.
TUCKER, SOPHIE: Actress, r.n. Sophie Abuza. b. Boston, 1884; h. 5 feet. 6; blonde hair, blue eyes; w. 170; e. Hartford. Conn.; dlv. Abe Lacberman. Stage career;
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