The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Two The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER February, 1929 OFFICIAL MONTHLY BULLETIN OF LOCAL NO. 659 I. A. T. S. E. & M. P. M. O. of the United States and Canada Office: 428 Markham Building, 6372 Hollywood Boulevard. Telephone HEmpstead 1128 The Sound Track Just as our cover design, representing a strip of sound film, is emblematic of this magazine being henceforth the voice of the cameramen ; so this column will in the future voice the pulse of the organization in that it presents at a glance vital official news of Local No. 659. General Meeting The next open meeting of Local No. 659 will be held on Thursday, February 7, at 8 p. m., in the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce building, 6520 Sunset boulevard. The Financial Secretary will be on duty at 7 p. m. sharp. o New Local Brother C. A. Luperti has just written us that a charter has been issued to the Motion Picture Cameramen of Chicago. They are now known as Local No. 666. Success ! Membership There is now a total of 742 members in good standing in Local No. 659. This comprises all motion picture photographers engaged in professional production west of the Mississippi river. Change of Address Notify the Local office immediately of any change in your address or telephone number. o Lost Due Books John Weiler— Card No. 35844. Sol Polito— Card No. 35750. Clifton Kling— Card No. 35878. Harvey Gould— Card No. 36338. o Notary A notary public is now available in the offices of the International Photographers, 428 Markham Building. o / Subscribe to the Los Angeles Citizen. Labor's official newspaper. Federation Report In the report of the California State Theatrical Federation for January, Brother Anthony Noriega says in part: "The cameramen of Hollywood advise a 100 per cent organization west of the Mississippi. They are to be congratulated for their quick and successful campaign of organization." He also calls attention to all locals that the time is short in which to present bills to the State Legislature. He says: "The time for the introduction of Legislative matters at the State Legislature is at hand, therefore it behooves locals who may have bills to present to forward same at once, with any data at hand to strengthen your proposition. Our State Executive Committee has selected the writer to represent our Federation during the coming sessions of the Legislature. Send in your propositions at once." o Agreement Between Locals No. 644 and No. 659 The Executive Boards of Locals 659 and 644 have signed the following contract, which embodies the principle of home rule and jurisdictional rights. This Agreement entered into between Local No. 644, International Alliance of Theatrical -Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada, of the City of New York, State of New York, and Local No. 659, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada, of the City of Los Angeles, State of California. WITNESSETH: "That It Is Mutually Agreed that the first cameraman and his assistant shall have the absolute right of entering a foreign jurisdiction to photograph location and studio scenes on a production originating in the domestic jurisdiction. That the jurisdictional boundaries of the aforesaid Locals shall be as follows: The jurisdiction of Local No. 644 shall extend from the Atlantic coast line to the Mississippi river, in the United States and into the Dominion of Canada, as shown on the map which is hereto attached and made a part of this Agreement. The jurisdiction of Local No. 659 shall extend from the Pacific coast line to the boundary lines established between Idaho and Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, Utah and Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, and Arizona and New Mexico, in the United and into the Dominion of Canada, as shown on the aforementioned map. The territory in the United States and in Canada, between the aforementioned jurisdictional boundaries, is a neutral zone into which a complete photographic staff from either jurisdiction may operate under the Local's Constitution and By-Laws of the jurisdiction in which said production originated. Should a producing unit be desirous of carrying into a foreign jurisdiction a cameraman or cameramen, other than the first cameraman from the domestic jurisdiction, said cameraman or cameramen shall first obtain permission from the Local of said foreign jurisdiction before entering same. That the photographic staff, as defined by the respective Constitution and By-Laws of the foreign Local, as of present date, shall be completed by photographers supplied from the home local of the said foreign jurisdiction. That for the purpose of receiving the applications of incoming, or prospective, members of the United ■States shall be divided by the line 100 degrees West Longitude; Local No. 659 holding jurisdiction West of the line and Local No. 644 receiving applications of applicants residing East of the line. In the event of vacancies in either jurisdiction where the Local is unable to furnish the men required, they shall call upon each other's Local for men to fill same. This Agreement shall not expire unless mutually agreed upon by both aforesaid parties. o Employment Notice It behooves every member to see that business managers and assistant directors of producing companies are informed of the fact that the office of Local No. 659 maintains its own employment bureau. Business managers desirous of employing cameramen, still photographers or assistant cameramen, can save time and be certain of results by calling the business office, HEmpstead 1128, where a classified list of available camera workers is maintained. o Brother Paul Perry reports working on sound production at United Artists studio.