International photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Twelve The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER March, 1929 Pans and Tilts Brother Bud Hooper just returned from an extended news assignment in the Pacific Islands. Hold everything! We thought he had been away from home. The "islands" was Catalina. * # * Brother Jackson Rose just completed the Tiffany-Stahl super special production, "Zeppelin," directed by Reginald Barker, with Conway Tearle, Clare Windsor and Larry Kent in the cast. This is the greatest production as well as the most expensive ever attempted by TiffanyStahl. A real Zeppelin was used in the ice field scenes and Brother Rose has a beautifully photographed picture to his credit. Brothers M. Hall and Cecil Wright were his associates on the camera staff. * * * "Between Pictures" has a new meaning now. Karl Struss for instance has emerged for the time being between the sound and silent versions of "Coquette." Though still a devotee of the golf links, Karl has had time to design a new finder bracket for the Bell and Howell camera that remains stationary on the tripod bed thus making it possible to line the finder without racking the camera back and forth. * * * Filming special railroad and snow effects for the M-G-M feature, "Thunder," Brother Henry Sharp assisted by Brother Charles Straumer, is touring the Middle West and various point in the East. Among the numerous stops scheduled are the Baldwin Locomotive works in Philadelphia, and the railroad yards at Chicago. * * * Brother John Mescal, golf champion of Local No. 659 and former city champion, after 16 years of earnest endeavor succeeded in making a hole-in-one at the Fox Hills Country Club, on January 24. It was a 1 50yard shot at the eleventh hole. Brother Mescal has just completed "Leather Necks" for Pathe. * * * Brothers Stewart Thompson and Walter Rankin have been having a sweet time lately, recording the activities of the twenty-five "Coquette" girls who are here on a pleasure tour as the guests of Mary Pickford. Brother Earle Walker has just wrapped up another short comedy, "Toots and Casper," for the Darraour Productions at the Cal-Art studio. "King of the Khyber Rifles," an all movietone production for the Fox Film Company, is being photographed by Brother Joe August. With him on the second camera is Brother Irving Rosenberg. They are assisted by Brothers Harry Webb, and J. P. Van Wormer. Brother Clarence Hewitt is the man under the focusing cloth on the still camera. * * * Because of the illness of his father, Brother George Bourne has left the camera profession indefinitely. He is now with his parents in Florence, Arizona. * * * Brothers John J. Mescal, Jake Badaracco, Burnett Guffey and Vernon Larson, with Brother Whitey Schafer on the still camera, are wintering at Lake Tahoe. They are photographing "High Voltage" for Pathe, a feature directed by Howard Higgin, featuring Wm. Boyd. * * * Brother Al Gilks left for the Paramount studios in New York on February 1 to take charge of the photography on the sound production "Cocoanuts." Brother Elmer Dyer has just finished the air photography on the latest Hoot Gibson picture, "The Winged Horseman." A good share of aerial camerawork has come his way lately as he was loaned by the Gibson company to do several weeks work on "Hell's Angels." * * * Just as we go to press with the International Photographer there is a rumor afloat that Brother Walter Scott of Local No. 644, and Brother Dan Clark of Local No. 659, have returned from their long trip to the South Sea islands. They have spent the past several months in Tahiti, making sound pictures with native backgrounds, for Fox Film Company. Brother Leonard M. Poole of the Fox News is now on a six-week tour in the southwest territory. A report from him says the thermometer fell so low it had to be dug out of the ground. He is making a "Variety" reel in the mountains, hence the cold weather. Out of Focus Answers to Fans S. A. P. Chicago. — No, Arthur Lake is not a summer resort, and Toluca Lake is not his sister. Fred Jackman did the trick shots in Noah's Ark. * * * Simpson, Milawukee. — Lap resolves are not promises made while in love, but the correct term is Lap Dissolves ; a technical term, and used a great deal by Jackson Rose in "The Girl on the Barge." * * * Goofus, Gila Bend. — Double explosion is wrong. It should be double exposure. It has nothing to do with the weather. You can see it used to great advantage in "Hell's Angels," photographed by Harry Perry. * * * Getrie, Long Neck, N. Y. — Wally Beery does not sing tenor and is greatly respected in this community. Pliny Home is not a musician, but a well known cameraman. Doolittle, Seymore, Neb. — S. M. P. E. does not mean "Some More People Expected" when the potatoes are getting low, but stands for Society of Motion Picture Engineers. It is a splendid organization of which Frank Good, who photographed "The Glorious Trail," is a member. Chicago : Wife comes home unexpectedly and finds woman with husband. Wife shoots husband. Wife is acquitted. Note: Is your 659 Insurance paid? o Want Ads For 'Sale : Tripod, by cameraman with 2 broken legs. Box 2. * * * Wanted : Assistant cameraman to work partly in sound booth and partly outside. Apply to Fred Westerberg. * * * For Sale : Bell and Howell tripod by cameraman with cracked head. Send replies to Box 3, Norwalk. * * * For Trade: Will trade old Pathe for late model Mitchell if in good condition and equipped for sound work. Have centrally located business lot, apartment building and necessary cash for boot. S. O. L. Box 10.