The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Ten The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER April, 1929 REGINALD E. LYONS Now Photographing Vitaphone Productions Warner Bros. Movie and Still Cameras for Rent Still Finishing RICHTER PHOTO SERVICE 7764 Santa Monica Boulevard HO. 9750 HE. 1780 King C harney says . . . Whether it he carbon or incandescent lighting Whether it be talkies or silent Insist upon Negative For definite results AGFA RAW FILM CORPORATION Alfred Weiss, Pres. New York Hollywood J. R. LOCKWOOD Camera Rentals Business Phone IIOS N. Lillian Way GRanita ."'177 Cor. Santa Monica Residence Phone: Douglas ;*3G1-AV CAMERA RENTALS AH Kinds PARK J. RIES 1152 N. Western GRanite 1185 Celluloid Lane The above "itching" shows Bro. "Speed" Hall, assistant cameraman, in action just before snapping into it on the sound stage. At the present time the number of hours he is working, if figured at overtime, etc., would enable him to buy a new suit of clothes, and a wheel-barrow to carry the equipment in. He is under the impression that assistants' services should be paid for by the ton, or piece, as well as on an hourly basis. Tannura With Pathe Philip Tannura is now engaged as supervisor of lighting and photography with the Robert Kane Productions. This is a Pathe company, and is working at the Sound studios, 134th street and Park avenue, New York. Brother Tannura was formerly chief cameraman with the Marshall Neilan Productions at the F. B. O. studios. The last two of a long series which photographed under that banner were "Taxi 13," and "The Last Haul." The completion of "The Last Haul" marked the eightysixth production to be photographed by Tannura for F. B. O. o Famous Final Frases I forgot to swing over. My lens cap was on. I thought it was a rehearsal. Just a minute. We sure were worried about our very good friend, King Charney, due to the serious effects of his recent attack of influenza. We just stopped in to see him upon his return from Palm Springs, and we are glad to note the old time King himself in his usual form. While searching madly up and down Celluloid Lane (Santa Monica boulevard) in search of news for the International Photographer, our staff reporter observed a large crowd gathered near the intersection of Las Palmas avenue. Upon the approach of our reportorial staff, Pete Shamray stepped aside disclosing not only himself but Edward Blackburn, Wesley Smith, Bud Courcier, Simeon Aller and George Gibson. From the above facts only one conclusion can be drawn — Kodak and Duco were in conference. Garmes Makes Jolson Talkie Al Jolson and Davey Lee are working together again in a new Vitaphone feature to be called "Little Pal." The picture boasts a big crew of 659 cameramen. Lee Garmes is placing Mazdas to the best interests of all concerned, while the boys in the "bomb-proofs" read as follows : Reggie Lyons, Eddie Kull, Ernie Smith, Louis DeAngelis, Jack Koffman and Carl Guthrie. Demand the Label Refuse the products of unsanitary shops and factories if you value your health. The Union Label is your safeguard. Demand it. Look for the union shop card and the union button. Mechanical Research Engineering, Design, Construction OF Special Motion Picture Mechanisms and Equipment Phone GLadstone 9286 1017 North Sycamore Avenue Hollywood, California