The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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May, 1929 The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Nine The Hollywood Mocking Bird By Silas Edgar Snyder My friend Jerry, the Mockin' bird, Is the finest singer ever heard; See him up in the old palm tree Turnin' fiip-flaps as he trills high C: Mate nestin' there in the ivyvine, Listens enchanted and thinks he's fine. Night and day Jerry does his stuff. Never gets weary, hoarse nor rough ; Ideal daddy and loyal mate, Good to his folks and affectionate: A matchless artist, bless his heart, In God's great plan he has his part: Needs no composer nor band of strings; God wrote the music that Jerry sings; And maybe that's why when I hear his trills Touchin' my heart and soul with thrills. I I feel that the Mocker's friendly call Means it's not such a bad world after all. Says Arthur Brisbane: On Wednesday, at Daytona, Fla., Mr. Bible, trying for a new automobile speed record, was instantly killed when his car was going 202 miles an hour. The crowd stood well back, watching the race, but Charles Traub, grinding a newsreel camera, knew it was his duty to show the machine, traveling four miles a minute, coming head-on. He stood with his camera planted slightly to one side of the straight course. When the driver lost control the car leaped and rolled. It was too late for Traub to save himself. His dead body was laid out beside that of the driver. That is the price paid sometimes for news pictures. Employers of cameramen will find herein something upon which to meditate. The very least they can do is to see that cameramen sent in to film shots dangerous to life and limb are amply protected by insurance. But no picture of whatsoever kind is worth endangering the life of any cameraman no matter how willing he may be to make the shot. The responsbiility is absolutely up to the employer and this should be established by agreement. I. A. Men With Byrd Reports of unusual and interesting camera material being obtained by Willard VanderVeer and Joe Rucker, Paramount cameramen attached to the Byrd Antarctic expedition, have just been received by executives at the Paramount studios in Hollywood. M. P. M. A. A. At a recent meeting of the Motion Picture Make-Up Artists' Association the following named members were elected: Board of Governors — Sam Kaufman, Davis Factor, Max Fuerstein, Jack Dawn, Robert Stephanoff, Jack Pierce, George Westmore, Ray Lopez, Jack Pitcairn. Officers — Ernest Westmore, president; Bert Sutch, vice-president; Niel Berns, treasurer; Guy Pearce, secretary; Al McQuarrie, sergeant-at-arms. Shafts of Hollywood Shot by H. O. Stechan A leading factor in the make-up of Hollywood — as well as the Nation's femininity — is Max. * * Once again the season approaches when summer furs and some're not, that the fair ones appear in. * * Having built Egyptian and Chinese theaters, Sid Grauman was recently asked when he intended to erect an Israelite theater. "Aren't they all that?" he countered. * * Maurice De Mond, famed Breakfast Club scaramouch, having joined TecArt's executive staff, we'll not be surprised to hear of the filming of "M-N-X," in sound, right soon. * * "Bigger and Better Hamburgers 15c," over a new Hollywood beanery, proves that our enterprising village keeps pace with Chamber of Commerce advertising in all things. * • Members of the local Italian colony earnestly hope that II Duce will settle the Sago-Spaghetti argument before Bill Heywood Broun of The Nation, loses his job over it again. * * Those "in the know" say that De Mille's "Godless Girl" was really a bold young thing who refused to concede the omnipotence of Lord Cecil. * * If the pictures make you sick at times it is perfectly safe to take a chance at Warner Brothers Theater. It has an emergency hospital attached. Added evidence of our up-to-dateness! * * Since Hollywood gals have become "sockless jerrys," men stand even less chance in the tonsorial parlors along the Boulevard; and it is predicted that hosiers will have to join the farmers in petitioning Congress for relief. * * Following the recent demonstration of Televox, the electrical man, before the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, several well-known casting directors sought to sign him up, to double for some of their favorite beauties, in the "talkies." o Evangeline According to cable advices from the London Times, Dolores Del Rio, United Artists star of "Evangeline" and other film plays, has tied with Betty Balfour, English atcress, as the leading screen star of the British Empire in a poll in which more than 250,000 votes were cast. The poll showed that one-third of the men and one-half of the women favored talking pictures, that most fans attended the movies twice a week. Second to Miss Del Rio and Miss Balfour, was Clara Bow, then Esther Ralston, Vilma Banky, Florence Vidor and Mary Pickford in order. Bob Kurrle is shooting "Evangeline." Edwin Carewe directing. William Rees and Roy Klaffki are shooting together on "Hearts in Exile," at First National, starring Dolores Del Rio. News !! I ndustrial . . Classifications Here Is Where We All Get a Break! Sound production has made it possible to secure EASTMAN and DUPONT Panchromatic Negative in considerable quantities. We have installed a complete plant for the testing of every roll and the segregating of it into 100, 200 and 400 foot lengths. ALL. YOU WANT FOR ONLY 2V2C PER FOOT ( AKEFXILLY TESTED Write now to Commercial Raw Stock Company 861 N. SEWARD ST. Hollywood California Mention this add and get a sample roll free to test. Remember this is a 100 per cent Union organization— members Local No. 659 1. A. T. S. E., International Photographers. ASTRO 'The Lens That Has Made Good" with Mazda Lighting and Talking Pictures ASTRO F:1.8 and F:2.3 In All Focal Lengths For Sale by Mitchell Camera Corporation 6011-6025 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.