The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Thirty-six T h INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER July, 1929 GliOOJLS eo-eSJEBs No matter how well you may turn the crank the results are not always the same. * * Do you know that, even if the tripod has to stand for all the panning, and the tilt has its ups and downs, the belt gets all the breaks? No matter how old your tripod may be, its legs have their good points. * * A squeaking wheel gets all the grease. Try it and see what you get. * * Similies As useless as a 4.5 lens on a talkie set. * * I wonder what became of Kleiglight, that old twin of mine. * * Add Sally Songs I wonder what became of Sally Mander, that old flame of mine. * * Revival of Old Songs You take the High Hat and I'll take the Low Hat. And I'll see you in the projection room in the morning. * * Some one called the office the other day and asked for a certain cameraman's address. We did not have it because he had moved and failed to notify the office. Don't let this go any further, but it was a director that wanted to send a case of wine to his house. It might have been you but it wasn't me. * * Letter received says that my English and punctuation are atrocious. Right. If I had spent more time studying English I would not be able to work in Class A. 1. * * Jean Smith was going around looking for a headache because he had a box of Aspirin. * * Bert Lynch enlisted in the cavalry because he was promised a white horse. * * Carl Struss has a rigid finder bracket for the Bell & Howell that is very good. * * Freddie Kaifer rolling around in his new car. * * Virg Miller, in charge of the camera department at Lasky's, had a brother at the same studio in charge of the electrical department. If he could get another brother in charge of the Lab — what a break! Speed Hall says that the lunches are not fit to eat and then has thre°. The thing he likes best about the lunches is the toothpicks. * * He is the only man in the business that can change main springs on an Ingersoll between shots. No foolin.' * * Benny Ray gets a job. If he takes his camera away from the fellow that has it the fellow loses his job. Benny does not take the camera. Benny gets the job regardless. Nice boy, Benny. * * Frank Titus, red curly hair and a smile a mile wide, has been to Mexico City, too. * * Borradaille, better known as "Bordy," has a camera which he has designed for aerial work that gets the stills on the wing. Used it plenty on "Hell's Angels." * * Les Rowley, less delays, in shooting stills. Grabs them on the run and favorite expression when rushed: "Just a minute." * * Mrs. Lincoln says that the next guy that makes a crack about Abe when being introduced is going to be sued. * * Al Gilks is an old salt. That's better than saying an old soak. When he started in the camera business they had to read the tape in fathoms to him. * * Bob Kurrle and Al Greene go to R. K. 0. That raises "L" with the old top salary that they had for so long. * * Buddy Williams leaves for Africa. Things should be nice and quiet out Topango Canyon way. * * Curly Lindon joined a circus last year. Try and get him to go again. * * QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Some one called on the phone and wanted to know, if the studio paid $2.00 a day for a 4-inch lens, could he get $6.00 for a 12-inch. How can I get permission to leave the set while recording is going on? Try raising your hand. If it is midnight and I am on location three miles from the studio and a swell looking girl is paying a lot of attention to me and my sixteen hours are up, do I have to go home? Let your conscience, etc., etc. If, after having three buckles and a run out, I then forget to throw over, what class am I in? You are in a class by yourself. Does Paragraph 5 cover drinking, etc.? I see where it has been referred to the Joint committee. I have the address of several good joints if they want them. Do you think that caps with the peak on the back will come in style again? I have one and don't want to throw it away because I understand they will be popular again. I don't think so. They were not practical. Every time I went to tip my hat and the peak was in the back, I hit my nose. And I have considerable nose. I had three hours overtime last week and they paid me for five. Shall I use the money to pay my dues or shall I give it back? Ans. The office needs a new pen. Don't you, Mrs. Lincoln? Does a philosopher ride a philosopeed? No. They generally ride the street cars. * * Now that the revolution in Mexico has been settled for a little while, we have been informed that production will start again and both companies are expected to be under way soon. Gonzallie Gonzallez reports that he had no co-operation from the Rebels as they insisted on doing their fighting in ravines and canyons and the light was so bad that it was impossible to get good closeups of the generals. Ramerie Ramerz sends in the following suggestion : That the size of the generals' hats be reduced as the brims are so large they cast very bad shadows. Tortillie Tortillo reports that on the day they had the big battle and a soldier was shot, it would have made a good dolly shot, but they had no appropriation for dollys. The last battle would have ended two days sooner, but was held over until better light could be had. * * THE DIME BUSINESS I received several long wires from a friend of mine with some very hot information on some mining stock. (Yeah! Everybody does it sooner or later.) After walking in and out of all the brokers offices on Hollywood boulevard for several days I managed to get up courage to speak to one of the men that looked as if he could stand to be bothered. He proceeded to take me and the stock dropped seven pints, I mean points, and is still dropping. To top it all I get a special delivery letter from him telling me to vote for Bonelli. I don't know whether to sue or shoot him. If you can't get a thousand foot roll of Panchromatic into the can be nonchalant and light a cigaret. Then legister in the out of work.