The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Twenty-eight T he INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER September, 1929 H. J. KIRKPATRICK At Liberty Equipment: Mitchell Speed Camera GL-3929 HE1128 /. R. LOCKWOOD Camera Rentals Business Phone 11 OS N Lillian Way GRanite '.I I 77 Cor. Santa Monica Residence Phone: DOnglgras 3361-W CAMERA RENTALS All Kinds PARK J. RIES I1R2 n Western GRanite 1185 EDWARD J. COHEN Available with MITCHELL SOUND CAMERA DU-4332 HE-1128 WARNER NICHOLS CROSBY Traveling Heavy Extra Girl: "Why do elephants have such big trunks?" Earle Walker: "Well, they have to come all the way from Siam." From Missouri? Speed Mitchell: "I just heard that one of the girls in the "Paris" chorus takes a shower and dresses in three minutes." Script Girl: "Why, that isn't so wonderful." Speed Mitchell: "I like to see you do it." Temporary Address Roy Klaffki, Chicago. Sound Stuff M. Hall (on location in San Diego) : "I object to that new assistant for a room mate. He is such a sound sleeper." Director: "I should think make him an ideal room J-foke-um By IRA Assistant that would mate." M. Hall: 'You wouldn't think so if you listened to the sounds." W eeps Henry Gerrard says the most pathetic sight now-a-days is a horse fly sitting on the rear bumper of a motor truck. Hopeless Disgusted Cameraman (eating by mistake in a "scab" restaurant) : "Waitress. You can't expect me to eat this stuff. Call the manager. Waitress (not from Local 639): "It's no use; he won't eat it either." Prussic Acid Billy Marshall: "Heard of the latest Hollywood bootleg drink?" Cliff Shirpser: "No, what is it?" Billy Marshall: "Frog whiskey. One drink and you croak." Or Drive Mules John Mescal: "Son, do you know what becomes of little boys who use bad language when they are playing marbles?" John Junior: "Yes, Dad; they grow up and play golf." Impertinent Chuck Geisler: "You'd never think this car was second-hand, would you?" Howard Greene: "No; it looks as though you had made it yourself." Scotch Are you a mechanic. No, a McBurnie. The Director Speaks First Chorus Girl: "The director spoke to you. What did he say?" Second Chorine: "Git out of mv way." Schivischmixstrischef Bill Margulies: "In Finland they call bootleg liquor korpikunsen kyyneleita." Harry Merland: "Mi gosh! What do they call it after they drink some of it?" Cinch Allan Davey: "There is only one thing I can say for a non-union assistant cameraman and that is you can always tell what he is going to do next." Carl Guthrie: "And what is he going to do next, Allan?" Allan Davey: "Nothing." Idolatry Eddie Linden: "That second chorus girl in the front row of the "Paris" review at First National certainly made idolators of the Technicolor boys." Sol Polito: "How so, Eddie?" Eddie Linden: "She put on cloth of gold stockings so they'd worship the golden calf!" o Earl Stafford and John McBurnie are sorely tempted to put in a request for "flight money" after being called upon to perform a hazardous aerial acrobatic stunt shot from the extreme end of the M-G-M elevator boom. The boom was extended to a height of eighty feet, with the two Technicolor boys, hoping for the best, on the business end of the contraption. The shots were successfully made, and will be seen in the Technicolor sequence of the M-G-M feature, "Road Show." King Charney says . . . WHETHER IT BE CARBON OR INCANDESCENT LIGHTING WHETHER IT BE TALKIES OR SILENT Insist Upon Negative For definite results AGFA RAW FILM CORPORATION