The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Thirty The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER September, 1929 The Daily Qrind Rx RALPH B. STAUB TED TEZLAFF says his assistant is a bookkeeper — he keeps every book that Ted loans him. CHICK McGILL says his tooth is the largest in the world — it's an acre. * * TONY GAUDIO says his wife never was in Washington — but still she's the speaker of the house. * * BOB KURRLE tells about the Scotchman who hurried into the telegraph office and asked the cost of a night letter. The clerk told him the price and that the signature was free. The Scotchman in return replied: "You may not know it, but my Indian name is will-be-home Friday." * * JACK YOUNG says he has a friend who would shoot you in the back and then turn around have you arrested for carrying concealed weapons. * * GUS PETERSON says you can tell a flapper as much today as you could her mother, but she won't believe half of it. Watched ARTHUR TODD, LYMAN BROENING and BILL FRAKER working on the Eddie Cline set at the Fairfax high school. Doug Jr. and Loretta Young play the leads in the Warner noisy cinema. JACKSON ROSE says the Hollywood stadium holds 3,000 people and every Friday night 5,000 men tell their wives they're going to the fights. IRA HOKE (entering hat store, to clerk): "How much for the hat?" Clerk: "Fifteen dollars.'' IRA: "Where's the holes in it?" Clerk: "What holes?" IRA: "For the jackass to put his ears through that would pay you fifteen bucks for that hat." NORB BRODIN says an able assistant is one who cleans and sets up your camera each morning, cashes your check and takes your wife to dinner when you want a night off. JOE WALKER is photographer of Belle Baker's first starring picture at Columbia. John Silver is the second cameraman. Erie Kenton directing. Ralph Graves co-stars with Miss Baker in her first tear jerker. * * SID HICKOX chirps— the Hollywood girls have been so mean to him and made him walk back from so many auto rides that he finally decided to buy a car of his own. I. A. T. S. E. famous last words: "Are you getting any new subscriptions for our magazine?" OUR TRANSLATOR Victor Scheurich, of 659, is the official translator of The International Photographer. Brother Scheurich speaks German and French fluently and is also a writer in these languages. He is a native of Berlin and learned the cinematographic art with such organizations as Meester, German Biograph and Kinemacolor. He had the honor of photographing Germany's first sound picture while associted with Meester, and came to Hollywood to get the American angle of picture making. Nothing can check our progress, if the members of organized labor will always demand the Union Label. MEMBERSHIP S. M. P. E. 1000 by 1930— Let's Go! W e noiv have about 600 members in the S. M. P. E. Membership in the Society is open to any and all ivho are engaged in the motion picture industry or production of allied products. IV hen you have finished reading your Bulletin pass it on to some prospective member and do not forget to offer to sponsor him for membership in the Society. .-In official letter of invitation to join either as Active or Associate member, taill be sent by the Membership Committee to anyone proposed by a member, if the name and address is sent in to any member of the Membership Committee or to H. T. Cotvling, chairman, 34-3 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. GRanite 4194 NATIONAL CARBONS— CONDENSERS The Wholesale Supply Company CHEMICALS, DRY COLORS, DYES FIREWORKS. OILS, PAINTS. SHELLACS, ETC. MERCER PATCHES Specializing in Supplies for the Motion Picture Industry at Wholesale Prices 1047 NORTH WILCOX AVENUE HOLLYWOOD FOR SALE BELL & HOWELL CAMERA NO. 486 Complete Equipment 6 Lenses JAMES R. PALMER Care of This Magazine Walter J. Van Rossem Photographic Laboratory and Camera Rental Service HOIIy 0725 6049 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, California FOR RENT LATE MODEL BELL & HOWELL With Fearless Speed Movement Astro Lenses F. 2, 3, and Full Equipment Ask Jimmy Palmer or Phone GR. 5927 or OX. 6798 ELMER G. DYER Now Shooting the Akeley Camera with Sound for Hoot Gibson Frederic Colburn Clarke Photographs Burbank 404 MELROSE Trunk Factory UNION MADE Camera Cases for UNION CAMERAMEN UNION MADE Camera Number Boards Trunk and Luggage Repairing Our Specialty Automobile Trunks, Sample and Make-up Cases to Order GLadstone 1872 646 N. Western LOS ANGELES, CALIF.