The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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'orty The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER November, 1929 Qhicago — ^ixSixty -Six — Qhicago Motion Picture Industries Local 666, ~ CHICAGO WINS SERIES '■ A T s E and M p M O., of the STILL FULL OF PEP wk;u ,!,«. n\,:„~„ n i ,.,„ a United States and Canada While the Chicago Cubs were drop n ite (he fac, tha; the Wor,d Serie: ping four out of five games of the By EUGENE COUR involved a large part of the Chicagc Worlds Series to the Athletics the Chi President membership, the last meeting, held a cago cameramen maintained their bat „ •,,.,, i,,„, i i_ Chvries N Dwid Chicago the Palmer House, was crowded. ting average bv photographing the ^ HUI'" iN lJAVlu s_nicdgo > „.6 , ,, ,, ? ", -i , ■ r, -i f , , ■ i D j . I he next meeting will be held in thi Worlds Series — while their Philade phia Vice-Presidents \^^„<. t »u c a aui i , . , , , _. ., _ T , r\ a ^i_ ' heatre or the Spoor and Ahbe plan brethren were barred from Shihe Park. Oscar Ahbe Chicago ,„. „0 „ . „, „„,„„: r XT . , v . , , • , ■• ^ t-d cr.i where a demonstration or Natural Vi It s a tough job to present a situation, Charles L. Bell St. Paul ■ n--, •,, , , ,,.■ , , f ' . . y . . . , „, . ' r> T .. o t ■ slon rilm will be given. In additioi before or after taking, in which Chicago t . L. Maguire St. Louis ., „ , •,, , , . . . • i • „. ,,, t> t^ ^ the members will have a chance to in cameramen can t claim the championship. W. \\ . Reid Kansas City >pm sQme new sQund tus. six-sixty-six Ralph Biddy.. ...Indianapolis The members, both in meeting and out rm„ ANm rTC~™, J T Flanagan.... ...Cleveland „ h b d , . h( LOOK. AND LISTEN Tr*»r„r»r t • .L . i ireasurei consensus or opinion that the silent cam Harry Neely, press representative of Marvin W. Spoor Chicago era is readv for the Smithsonian Insti the National Baseball Commission, dubs Secretary tution, hence everybody wants an in oi the Talkies the "Look and Listen" mov Eugene J. Cour Chicago the Look and Listen. Offices six-sixty-six Speaking of sound, Ralph Biddy, of ^ EaSt N/nth StrCet' ChiCa9° READY FOR THE PRINTER Indianapolis, who has been wrestling Bulletin — The regular meetings of -j;ne Executive Committee has boilec with "Hoosier" made recorders for these Local 666 are held the first Monday in down the working conditions and by-law many months, is stalking the Chicago each month. after an exhaustive study and investiga sound trucks. t;on 0f tne souncj ancj silent angles o Industrial, Newsreel and Productioi Dave Oliver, of 644, recently arrived Dav,d ,s the one-in-a-thousand for the needs in Chicago with a new style portable office of President of the Chicago Local. A1] of the district vice-presidents wen outfit, which is, we understand, a new He understands and is personally inter present except Chas. E. Bell, of St. Paul system of pickling noise. ested in everv ''ranch of the industry who was on a tHp a(. the tjme six-sixty-six and has a s-vmPathet,c ear for f,he Prob President David stated that he believet w , , ■ 10n_ f, ' , lems of ever> class ,n the Local the survey of conditions was the mos Way back in 1907 there was a base He has the unanimous support of the u j • .u • . , ,, • ., -. , . nc "d> luc unanimous suppnii ui mc exhaustive ever made in the interes hall game in progress on the outskirts entire membership and will have to do l ,,■,,, .-,. ( nr n • u.j t enuie memnei snip anu win na\e in uu nf cameramen in the Middle West ant ot Chicago. During a heated inning of n "Oenrp-e Wash ntrton" to ret re L n i ... . . . a ^eorge vv dsniiiLH)" to reure. there was final agreement upon ever' this prairie session One look at the photograph of Charles -m John C. Richard N. David will convince any one that whi,e the notes are sdl] in the hand son more general he would have made just as great a ()f the stenographers copies will be sen ly known for his rep in front of the lens as back of it. each distri ^J , , and many years con ... D . , _' „ „ , , v, D ,, „.„ cv-t... c,v Vice-President Creorge h. Browne, of th< . nection with Bell six-sixt\-six «ii ^.l I ^ tj i, International Alliance, at Chicago, a & Howell, was one THEY'RE IN AGAIN well as the International Alliance, befor. , ot the pugnacious , , I kid ball players If Art Reeves has any fflc he will con hnal adoption. and his battling fer a favor on the secretary if he uses six-sixty-six proclivities got it on the next item. WANTED REPORTERS 8, him into a melee from which he jj- u The C0Py of The International Pho riom v\ n i c n ne jn acJdition to an extraordinary rush tnnranhor™. ;^ ,u„ „,„;i „„ tua f„„r wns i-psnipH bv an r ■ , , , i „, ij tograpner goes in the mail on the tour ardent pacifit on f .loca' business'. there was the World teenth of every month. Can we get som, :s david L side Ss e',euS' the ex?cutlvte comm'ttee meetings. bb yQu men tQ send us in ifem me siue lines. another sound truck and the preparation r " r', , ,° , n:nr.:r.n^^ i^^^^u in "You're a regular fella," says Rich. of a sound Iaboratorv t0 take up the $'°™ p^H ZTTi K '„ a "Wrhat's your name? time of the seCretarv dianapohs, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansa "Who, me," asks the rescuer. "I'm Clt-V' Dallas, Omaha, Minneapolis, St Chuck David " Paul and all other points in the jurisdic "Say Chuck," queries Rich. "How'd Urban Santone is out of the hospital tion of Six-Sixty-Six. you like to work in the movies?" aftel' a minor operation. President David — o— "What?" reports the invalid is able to inhale spa OUT OF THE ICE BOX "Vea " s-ivs Rich "I'm vvnrkino for ghetti in his old-time form. u ,^ . , . ■ lea, says Kicn. im vvoiKing roi & Harry Cxant has invented a new cam Kssanay and I can get you a job there." era movement that looks good. It is : And, according to David, Rich did. Ralph Phillips is preaching to all com silent movement, ingeniously contrivet After David's entry into the movies ers on the divine inspiration back of ancj wjtn a ]ot 0f possibilities. On pape he was on the sidelines when such no his new "Sink" apparatus. "Bull" and Brother Gant's new movement promise tables as Harry Zeck, Walter Lundin, the rest of the sound boys will soon be eventually to get the bovs out of tbj Jack Rose, Art Reeves and many others cutting paper dolls together. sound booths, but possibly not "befor, passed through the Essanay mill to glory Christmas " and screen credit. Jack Flanagan, of Cleveland, is in David twisted the tail of many cellu style. He was recently divorced from Handsome Bob Miller has returnee loid mills in the years thai followed, his appendix. Glad to hear the appen from Springfield, (Ohio, whither he jour put in much time directing comedies, shot dix came out second best. neyed recently on the sad mission to at features, industrials and news reels sub ■ (end his father in his last illness. Bol jects and has been featured in every Ralph Lembeck, of 544, and Marvin steps at once into a position with Tech technical angle of motion pictures. He La Rue, of 665, have transferred to 666. nicolor. While in Springfield he visitec is at present employed by the Chicago ■ the local projectionists and reports tha Daily News in connection with ihe Uni C. L. Venard, of Peoria, called us up, the) 1 ik e T H E INTERNATIONAI versa! Newspaper reel. but failed to call on us. PHOTOGRAPHER.