The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Twelve The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER December, 1929 Truball Tripod Heads MODEL B Their use for follow shots assures smooth operation, having an equal tension on all movmeents. Also, their action is unaffected by temperature. FRED HOEFNER Cinema Machine Shop 5319 Santa Monica Blvd. GLadstone 0243 Los Angeles Phone GLadstone 4151 HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK The only bank in the Industrial District of Hollywood under State supervision Santa Monica Boulevard at Highland Avenue Mitchell Cameras for Rent ^? Call C. G. McKie With Roy Davidge Laboratories GRanite 3108 PICTORIALISTS AND STILL MEN TAKE NOTICE In this December issue of The International Photographer the editor presents the work of a few of Local 659's prominent pictorialists in the form of an insert. As the decision to make a picture book of this edition of our magazine was made right at the deadline it was impossible to make a call upon all our still and pictorial artists to submit material and it was mandatory therefore, to utilize the pictures on hand — pictures that some of our thoughtful members had left on file in our morgue for use in emergency. But no member will be over looked. As the months go by the editors plan to use more and more art — as much as our budget will allow, for it is our purpose to tell the world about our pictorialists and to sound their praises in the high places. Beginning with our issue of January, 1930, the editor of The International Photographer personally will offer a prize of $100 for the best picture published in our magazine during that year. In addition to this the magazine will make an award of $5 per month for the best production still submitted and there will be additional prizes of I. A. T. S. E. membership rings. Arrangements for judging, together with greater details will be published in the January issue of The International Photographer. Now come on with your pretty pictures. MUSIC HATH CHARM This life size shot of a humming bird at its nest was taken by Buddy Longworth on First National lot at Burbank. The nest is near the play-back stage where the music records are tried out and as Buddy passed the spot very often he took note of the bird as it sat oblivious of his presence and of all the studio activity going on around him, apparently lost in the enchantment of the music. Buddy set up his camera within three feet of the little fellow and he never fluttered a feather. His favorite music seemed to be that of "Sally" and "No, No, Nanette." $ts*\£ AO I KU B E R. L I N ON SALE BY MITCHELL CAMERA CORPORATION 665 NORTH ROBERTSON BLVD. WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. FOR SALE 1 Bell & Howell camera fast lenses, complete equipment. 1 Mitchell Camera for sound work. J. R. LOCKWOOD 1108 N. Lillian Way Hollywood, Calif. WANTED Your Bell & Howell or Mitchell Cameras, lenses or Motion Picture Equipment. Write giving complete inventory and price. J. R. LOCKWOOD 1108 N. Lillian Way Hollywood, Calif. FOR SALE Harold Lloyd's pet 6-in. lens F4-5 B&L in B&H mount $20.00 1 brand new OEVEGOB F2 40mm never been mounted 15.00 1 brand new CTNEGOR F2-5 7.">mmi never been mouted.. 20.00 Also will throw in a 4-in. DAHLMEYER in a B&H mount for good measure. PERRY EVANS I 1 .". N. Mariposa Ave. Hollywood Calif.