The international photographer (Feb-Dec 1929)

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Twenty-eight The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER December, 1929 € % m 0. m m M % m m • • • i n this work-a-day world of bustle and traffic jams it is manifestly impossible on an occasion like Christmas, personally, to take each of our friends by the hand, tell him how much we appreciate his friendship and express to him the sentiments of love, gratitude and good-will we feel in our hearts, and so I invoke the aid of our magazine as my messenger to carry to each of you the Yuletide greetings of Local 659, wishing each and every one the happiest of all Christmases and the most peaceful and prosperous of all New Years. Particularly do I desire that this message of Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men shall not fail to reach all members of the I. A. T. S. E. and M. P. M. 0., Los Angeles Amusement Federation, California State Theatrical Federation, California State Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Federated Voters of Los Angeles, Locals 644, 666, 865; Local 37; the S. M. P. E. and all those individuals and friends who have given their advertising patronage to our magazine, the International Photographer, to its readers and to everyone who has in any way contributed to is success. On this occasion of universal good-will, therefore: / wish you every blessing that comes down from Above: Health, peace and joy and plenty, and God's abounding love; Good cheer, success, a lot of fun, friends, honors, gold galore. If I've omitted anything, add it — and ten times more. ALVIN WYCKOFF President Local 659, International Photographers, I. A. T. S. E.