The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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Thirty-two T I, INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER January, 1934 o-enjEttS' =@«tlffJr§CU<S By Otto Phocus HAPPY NEW YEAR This remarkable action still <was posed by our staff photographer, Les Roivley, and depicts icith accuracy the welcome received by an assistant cameraman upon presenting his cameraman luith a set of Neiv Year's resolutions. Attention is called to the out-stretched arm of the cameraman ninth ivhic/i he greets his assistant. The resolutions are printed for your guidance. Just another service rendered by the International Photographer. RESOLVED To take my hat and coat to the dark room and not bother my asst. with it. To pay him back all the money I have borrowed from him in the past year. To furnish him with gasoline when he runs errands for me. To return all the tools I have taken from his tool kit. To go and get my chair when my asst. is resting. To make exposures for the lab. and not for the exposure meter. To swing over the camera when the asst. is loading film. To focus all scenes before they are photographed. To ask him up to the house for a drink, for a change. To blame all buckles on the recording system. To remember him on his birthday. To laugh at his jokes when he tells them. To excuse his mistakes when he makes them. To pay all his dues and buy his lunches. To help him carry his equipment when he is tired. To let him line up all shots. To take in the tape and mark the feet. To give him screen credit if he wants it. To hold the slate if he will let me. And-d-d-d to receive any other little suggestions that he might offer during the coming year. DO YOU KNOW That there is to be a new chief cameraman at the United Artists Studios. That Paul Perry and Bob Miller have left for the Orient, to be gone about a year. That I will be able to use another robe by the time they get back. That four years ago the second of this month, 10 men were killed when two planes crashed over the Pacific. That three were members of the International Photographers. That from latest reports, Ira Hoke is leading the life of a gentleman farmer. That the musical number "I Love a Parade" would be a good theme song for a coming release. That I would like to hear from Bob LaPrell as to what he is doing, if any. That Bob Martin sends greetings from 22 Graystone Lodge, Hanger Lane, London, W.5. That Hanger Lane is a much better address than Hunger Lane. That Rov Clark was assigned to location in China for M. G. M. That Joe Walker has the largest collection of lenses in the business. That Bert Glennon was a purchasing agent before a cameraman. That the first complaint Ed. Estabrook handled after taking over his new duties was from the Ko-Op-Kitchen. No salt in the beans. That Fred Westerberg is running out of ideas for his tables. (Submitted by J. F. W.) That the "color shorts" I received for Xmas were received with gales of laughter on the first pre-view. That it is rather difficult for a cameraman to remain "upright" and shoot a hi-hat shot. That Reggie Lyon's boy joined the Sons of Legionnaires. The boy, as tall as Reggie, gave the impression that Reggie must have been in the Civil War. That the picture at the head of this page should not fool you. I am not a nudist. Hardly ever. PHOTOCRAPHIZZ Fill ground glass with cracked lenses. 1 jigger Mitchell oil. 1 pony lens cleaner. Dash of emulsion. 1 twist of sex peel. 1 slice of belting. 1 A. filter for coloring. Stir with pan crank. Strain through gauze matte. Garnish with B. & H. perforations. Serve on a dolly so guest can be moved if necessary. CAMERAMEN TAKE NOTICE Rob Wagner's Script never fails to boost the cameramen in its reviews of pictures and a good way to get even with Rob is to subscribe for the famous Beverly Hills magazine. It costs only $3 a year and there is nothing of its kind in the field of motion picture literature. The address is 9492 Dayton Way, Beverly Hills, California. Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers.