The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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February, 1934 The INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPH E R Twenty-nine according to their particular temperament. Thus it comes about that comedy produced in a British studio under British direction is either crude pantomime or dry epigram, registering on two extreme types which form generally not more than ten per cent of the average audience in Great Britain. And this type of stuff is completely useless from a hox office viewpoint in the less conventionally-minded colonies. I suppose I don't have to tell you that English film drammer is invariably a long-drawn-out affair with actors and actresses "emoting" before the camera and speaking lines carefully (oh, so carefully) into the mike. And English film critics. Oh, boy! Read this (from yesterday's " 'Sunday Pictorial' — 'Sales Vastly in Excess of Any Other Picture Newspaper' ") : 'At the Empire we have Warner Baxter and Loretta Young in a crook drama with some unusual aspects. (Film referred to is M.G.M.'s "Crooks in Clover" front the story "Penthouse.") I was in two minds about this film until Loretta Young appeared and then my doubts vanished. Loretta Young is just about the most improved actress in pictures. With almost every film she shows a greater command of her art. She has completely escaped from the vamp stuff which threatened at one time to limit her to incredible characters in unbelievable drama. She is now showing that she is an accomplished actress with great versatility and an unerring sense of dramatic situation." Joke is that Loretta Young isn't in this picture at all! Phone GLadstone 4151 HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK The only Bank in the Industrial District of Hollywood under State Supervision Santa Monica Boulevard at Highland Avenue Rolleiflex The Camera that Thinks for You Rolleiflex holds a faultless mirror to nature and to all the things that can be photographed . . . a mirror which reflects the objects to be taken graphically and in exact sharpness. A high speed focusing finder lens — uniquely a feature of this camera — reflects a brilliant, luminous image on a ground glass screen in actual film size and right side up. The synchronization of this lens assures an ultimate negative possessing a degree of sharpness and pictorial grouping identical with your "preview" on the focusing screen. Truly, "Rolleiflex is the camera that thinks for you." BURLEIGH BROOKS 127 W. 42nd St. New York MOTION PICTURE SOUND RECORDING (Continued from Page 27 ) to warn the director and actors that a take has commenced. At the conclusion of the take, he switches off his lights, thereby notifying the recording room that the shot has heen completed. The microphone man keeps a log of all takes made during his shift, and whether the shots were satisfactory or not. For this task, cooperation with the script girl is necessary so that the correct numbers will be recorded for each take. To provide exact synchronizing marks on the sound and picture films, the assistant cameraman steps in front of the camera as soon as the motors get up to speed and claps his hands, or claps two sticks together. He holds up a small blackboard at the same time with the scene number, picture title, director's name and other information written on it, and repeats the words on the blackboard aloud. The clapping of the two sticks may be exactly located on the picture film by the picture frame in which the sticks are seen to come in contact ; and the corresponding point on the sound film is marked by a wide dark band, which was made by the sound of the sticks striking together. The words on the blackboard and the identical words spoken by the assistant cameraman permit identification of the corresponding picture and sound strips of film. Without this system of marking, considerable confusion would exist in matching sections of sound track to picture scenes. A hand punch was used on the picture and sound track in the early days of recording, but it was too inconvenient to be satisfactory. The next chapter will discuss the monitoring equipment and its operation ; while the chapter following that will deal with the actual handling of the microphones for straight dialogue recording and for "scoring," which is the recording of the music to accompany a production. CINEX TESTINC MACHINES CINEX POLISHING MACHINES BARSAM-TOLLAR MECHANICAL WKS. 7239 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone CRanite 9707 Hollywood, California DR. G. FLOYD JACKMAN. Dentist Member Local No. 659 706 Hour* Hollywood : 9 to 5 First Nat'l Bldg., GLadstone Hollywood Blvd. 7507 And by at Highland Appointment DOUBLE MATTING (3 PATENTS. 1932) mxriLLiAMC! ▼▼SHOTS » Phone OXford 1611 8111 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. ILTTER^ ii) W^rlJ'WiJe Use prvA.u.<zv Wwn\i^h\ anA Ni^br Cff^cls in Daytime ~Fv<j Scenesl^if fused F^cus, anA many ^mer effects Wilb any Camera " In any Ulimare Gcorcje H. ScReibe ORIGINATOR OF EFFECT FILTERS 1927 WEST 78TH ST. LOS ANGELES. CAL. Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers.