The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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May, 19J4 T h INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Twenty-five toward that stubborn frog's anatomy. So we dragged out the "spare'' frog and started all over again. This time, after several more hours of downpouring artificial rain and increasing natural cold, we finally succeeded in photographing the desired effect. Then after rushing to the "milk bottles," we developed a test on which we were sure of a miniature masterpiece. To our terrific dismay, and even agony, we discovered that the camera had been loaded with positive stock instead of negative ! What a blow. But there was nothing to do but shoot it over again, this time making certain that the assistant cameraman wasn't thinking of some remote subject while loading, as probably was the case before. But it is just these kinds of occurrences, coupled with hard work, endurance and stick-to-it-iveness which go to make up an amateur picture which gets finished. I lay particular stress on that point of getting finished, as in my own experiences, and in my knowledge of what many of my fellow amateurs have done, I know how easy it is to start something and not finish it. Whatever you do, no matter how easy or how hard, if you start something, finish it. That is the factor around which is laid all other exponents of the non-professional film. All other attributes of the amateur film company, which may be fertilized by the intangible idea of making a movie, are thrown to the winds if what is started is not finished. In our own case, only through the proper selection of cast and staff; people who were professionally minded and whose only thought was to do things professionally, was the finished picture possible. Artistic souls and inspired genius, unless suppressed by levelheaded and persistant organization, will not usually go very far in completing a motion picture, professional or amateur, as has certainly been proven. Amateurs, to my way of thinking, should not attempt to work out their own formulas on how pictures should be created. After all, the professionals must know what is best or they wouldn't be professionals. Watch the way Hollywood does it, for there is the ultimate to which all amateurs should look for the solving of their problems. The Leading Cinematographers of the Motion Picture Industry, The Men who know Make-up, to insure the best in photography, insist on the use of NUCHROMATIC MAKE-UP FOUNDATION wood // Holly Compounded of the finest and purest of ingredients and certified colors. DE LONG MAKE-UP STUDIO CLadstone 8140 5533 Sunset Blvd. DOUBLE MATTING (3 PATENTS. 1932) w. ILLIAM SHOTS S Phone OXford 1611 8111 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. Phone CLadstone 4151 HOLLYWOOD STATE BANK The only Bank in the Industrial District of Hollywood under State Supervision Santa Monica Boulevard at Highland Avenue WORLD MOTION PICTURE THEATERS TOTAL 60,347 There were 60,347 motion picture theaters operated throughout the world at the end of 1933 of which 41,822 were equipped for the exhibition of sound pictures, according to a study by N. D. Golden, Specialties Division, Department of Commerce. The United States is shown as first — ranking among all countries in the number of motion picture theaters of record with 19,000, of which approximately 15,000 are now operating and equipped for sound, the study shows. The regional distribution of motion pictures throughout the world, as recorded by the study, shows Europe ranking first with 29,693; the United States, 19,000; Latin America, 5,270; Far East, 4,639; Canada, 1,100; and Africa and the Near East, 645. FAXON DEAN HOLLYWOOD'S BARGAIN SPOT Individual Attention — Courteous Service — Sensible Prices Prompt Service on Rentals Might or Day CAMERA SUPPLY CO., LTD. Phone GL 2404 Nite Phones : No. Hollywood 1271 — CLadstone 6583 Cable Address "CAMERAS" All Codes 1515 Cahuenga Avenue Hollywood, California RIDDY CERAUS Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers.