The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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Thirty eight T 1 1 NTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER July, 1934 TELEPATHIC EXPERIMENTS WITH RADIO MIND By F. H. Du Vernet, Archbishop of Caledonia {Contributed by Del mar If hi/son) [ISHOP Du Vernet, some months ago, wrote a comprehensive article on "Radio Mind" for readers of this magazine. It created tremendous interest throughout the scientific world and Rev. Du Vernet here presents further instructions for those actually interested in experimental work. His theory is that thought can he and is radiated ver\ much as a radio message, the only thing lacking being a tuned receiver. His experiments, purely scientific, have aroused real interest on the part of scientists, hitherto given to considering thought transference as merely a form of "hokum." — Radio Journal. So many inquiries regarding my telepathic experiments are coming to me from different parts of Canada and the United States and there is so much misunderstanding in regard to details riot mentioned in my former article in the June issue of the Radio Journal that, at the risk of some repetition, 1 wish to give to each experimenter the following definite instructions : Take an ordinary lead pencil about eight inches long, and a bright latch key weighing a quarter of a dollar. Tie a string to one end of the pencil. Allow eight inches of string and tie to the key. The bright metal helps to attract the eye and the weight of the key helps to keep the string taut and aid the swinging. There is no other virtue in it than this. The index card which 1 use is a little less than a semicircle with a radius of six inches. The letters of the alphabet are arranged phonetically so as to economize space, on the circumference of the chart, as follows from left to right: A, (BP), (DT), (EI), (FV), (KCGJQ, "Start and Stop," L, M, N, O, R, (SXZ), (UYW), making in all 15 spokes to the fragment of the wheel. There is no merit in this arrangement except that it simplifies by similarity of sound. Begin by practising alone. Place the card on a table. Stand erect without leaning on anything. Take the free end of the pencil and hold it between the thumb and finger of the right hand, with elbow clear from the side to allow the muscles fair play. Let the metal bob oscillate freely about half an inch over the hub or center of the index card. Always begin and end with the "Start and Stop" spoke of the wheel which comes directly in front of you as you face the card. Concentrate your eye and mind on the key and think hard the movement "To and fro." Almost instantly the muscles of your body will respond to the thought of your mind and cause the pen dulum to swing to and fro on the "Start" index. Next try spelling out a short word, letter by letter, timing the concentration of your thought to correspond with the rhythmic swing of the pendulum. For example, say mentally "Swing to H," repeating this six times, then shift to "Swing to A," then to "Swing to T," and you have spelled hat. With practice you can go readily from letter to letter and even dispense with spelling, but be content to go slowly at first. The next step is to get your cooperating friend to practise by himself in the same way. Both now being convinced that a thought in the mind can express itself through nerve force and muscular reaction you and your friend are ready for an experiment in thought transference. Let your friend as he stands beside you choose a word and spell it out beginning on the "Start" and ending on the "Stop," while you hold the pendulum. Before he begins to concentrate his mind energy you must have the pendulum swinging to and fro on the "Start" fully under the control of your own mind energy. You then throw yourself into a receptive attitude of mind as you sympathetically visualize your friend. While you must keep your eyes on the pendulum and the card you must not consciously allow your mind to think of any letter, otherwise you will prejudice the swing of the pendulum. Dimly you will see the word spelled out and the pendulum come back to the "Stop." After you have gained confidence and have learned the secret of visualizing each other you can increase the intervening distance until you realize that mind energy annihilates space. My daughter and I began side by side, then went to opposite ends of the room, then one upstairs and the other down. Then with fear and trembling I went into the street as though material walls could intercept mind energy. Then a quarter of a mile, a mile, three miles, seven, a hundred, five hundred, etc. No difference could be detected unless there was distraction of thought. It is well to arrange coincidence in time, although the subconscious mind can respond to the memory of a message sent sometime before. Do not spend more than two minutes at a time on any experiment, as the mind soon grows weary with concentrated thought. Remember, I want you to learn the scientific fact of thought transference, not that you may commercialize my system, but that you may without any mechanical contrivance keep radiating helpful and healing thoughts. Think what this world would become if we all, by radio mind, broadcasted peace and goodwill. The strangest of screen tests is the one conducted recently at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for mechanical men, for a part in "Sasha Gerhard." The story deals with a race of mechanical men, half human and half machine, who are brought to life by a mad inventor. * * x Max Steiner, the Viennese musical director and composer, who heads the RKO music department, directed a new type symphony the other day. He stood on a platform on a catwalk about 100 feet above the studio stage floor and directed the rhythmic dance of a number of palm trees. The trees were manned b\ a number of men working ropes overhead. That not being enough a bonfire was made to dance in the "Tree Symphony." Please mention The International Photographer when corresponding with advertisers Phis strange community, Hollywood, has many persons noted for peculiar accomplishments. Now comes Mary Carlisle, who can "eek" better than anyone else, which is excellent for recording purposes. Because the microphone is sensitive to high pitched sounds and freezes on many of the high female squeaks, Mary Carlisle's ability will set her apart. Auto painting equipment was used to advantage to paint twenty-four of Hollywood's Show-Girls. They were herded together and then drenched for picture purposes, by large spray guns. After their hair had been covered by rubber caps and their eyes shielded with goggles they were covered from head to foot with stain for the native sequences of the RKO Radio picture "Down to Their Last Yacht."