The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1934)

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What have HIGHLIGHTS and CONTRASTS to do with lamp-making f NO CONTRAST GOOD CONTRASTS EXTREME CONTRASTS OIGHLIGHTS and contrasts are important fundamentals of cinematography. Every cinematographer knows the principles of producing them. He knows that highlights are reflected images of the light source; that the location of a highlight depends upon the relative positions of camera, subject and source; that the size of a highlight is governed by the size of the light source, its distance and by the character of the surface it strikes. He knows, too, that by the creation of contrasts with highlights, shadows and general light, he can not only give form and texture, but can control expression; and practical training has made him familiar with infinite refinements of these principles. General Electric's engineers and research men have had to learn these facts and study them, so that they might be of greater service to the motion picture industry ... in developing new lamps and in guiding you to greater use of the many Edison MAZDAlamps alreadydeveloped. Studios have shown their appreciation of the dependable lighting this service helps produce by using Edison Mazda lamps for all their needs from set lighting to special process work. General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. New Photoflood lamp No. 4. 1000-watt PS-35. Has about 4 times effectiveness of original Photoflood lamp now known as No. 1. Excellent for close-ups. (10 hour life). General Electric invites you to visit its exhibits in the Electrical Building at the Century of Progress General Electric manufactures lamps for home lighting and decoration, automobiles, flashlights, photography, stores, offices and factories, street lighting and signs . . . Also Sunlight lamps. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS GENERAL $ยง ELECTRIC