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February, 1935
performance in the whole picture, except that perhaps the work of some of the soldiers was a little stilted. (Oxcooz, plizz!) Henry Kleinbach was just too distressing as Silas Barnaby.
Charlotte Henry, however, attracted my attention most of all of the lesser principals. Here is a child that should go far. Slie is lovely, desirable, and seemingly has the fundamentals of a real actress. She has a sweet, appealing little face, without saccharinity. Young, and not long in pictures, she yet exhibited no trace of cameraconsciousness. Her voice, although untrained, has all the "makin's." In short, she should go far. * * *
There you are. 1 sound as if I were trying to make a liar out of myself. The only explanation I can see for this apparent paradox
is that, since "BABES IN TOYLAND" was made several months after "THE LAST GENTLEMAN," Miss Henry must have used the intervening months for highly concentrated improvement of her appearance and technique. If so, more power to her!
SCREWLEWSE DEPARTMENT The following gem was sent to Dick Cromwell by an unsung iconoclast in the Middle West: Dear Mr. Cromwell:
Guess who? It's me. But I forget you don't know me, but 1 don't know you either so we are even.
Please send me your picture. I don't know what I will do with it but 1 should like to
have one anyway. 1 would have sent you mine, but I didn't have one.
You are a pretty good actor but you have your bad points. But everyone can't be perfect.
Aunt Flossie and Uncle Herman and f went to see a show last night but that has nothing to do with you so we will drop it.
Well, be good and keep your shoes on. Yours,
M. J.F.
P. S. — If this letter makes you angry, disgusted, or impatient you are conceited.
FAMOUS FINALES You'll have to run that aitto over the cliff again, boys. The camera was pointing the wrong way.
(Continued from Page Is) vide reasonably close readings of density make it a very handy auxiliary instrument to have on hand.
I was then taken through several other rooms filled with equipment in all degrees of development from the larval stage of permalloy metal and copper wire for the making of transformers to completed devices of various sorts. Among the many interesting things shown me was a compact incandescent ("inkey") studio light that projected a keen pencil of light intense enough to "burn a hole" through the light from a studio light of normal size equipped with a bulb three times the wattage rating of the bulb in the Reeves light. By the expression "burning a hole" is meant that the spot of light from the small projector was intense enough to show up brilliantly when directed on a section of the wall already illuminated by the beam of the larger light.
Then I was taken into the recording room where the glistening metal panels and cabinets of the Art Reeves Recording Equipment made a fine show. The metal panels of the new type of equipment are all beautifully machined ; the equipment has been made more compact, rugged, and simple ; and numerous technical improvements have been made in the circuits and in the apparatus itself.
A new microphone head has been developed that will be a boon to users of this recording equipment in countries where the humidity is high ; for this new microphone is absolutely unaffected by moisture. Compact portable testing equipment likewise has been designed, as well as improvements in the motor drive system.
Then the pride of the laboratory was demonstrated
for me; the new testing and experimental equipment that
has recently been completed. Included in the testing
equipment are vacuum-tube volt-meters, attenuation
( Concluded on Page 31)
Studio Lights
of every description
Noll44 * No. 1152 w Nallb3Ca «> Nollbb
W_ ft M9A M_ I I *U ™
No. 21 1 1 No2l23 No.8N24 Nall5i
CWni£z/for.tkid^ New BULLETIN
Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., inc. 321 West 50th 5treet • New York, N.Y.
For Use With Fotofloods
Extremely Powerful
Flood or Spot
Come in and see them — or write for details.
1515 Cahuenga Blvd. GLadstone
Hollywood, Calif. 2404
RUDDY CERAUS MANAGER Nite Phone GLadstone 6583
wew Cable Address
»«»K»m, "CAMERAS"
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