The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1935)

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view, 7'0 V Qfc, MAN 0NeM C''o„ fht '°'0j "S'tphy, V "•»*», &. .■mi's n°vel ,noeared m k<: wonde' \ <J«ec«.o« *'* ve'Y *"" SC0 'Vhe Cx»» \ \ the helP °* *t",e d'am3 . n w'»hou' \ MW>H0T0CHAPHY^W1 iM ends with »\ dep"ts * d mi«ed'™ DARK ANCHi with Fredric March, Merle Oberon. Herbert Marshall United Artists 1 hr., 50 mins SPLENDID PRODUCTION WITH THREE STELLAR PERFORMANCES SCORES IMPRESSIVELY. Director, Sidney Franklin, Author, R B Trevelyan. Screenplay, Lillian Hellman. Mordaunr Shairp, Editor, Sherman Todd! Cameraman, Gregg Tcland Direction. Excellent Photography, The Best ?*fem*»T US, I a^ Curr,er Direc ^'Artirfo?'" , D'Veet»'. r * \ RobS°nirt Denny. ***?„ %"d&e ^an W'naR„ter Phe(pS' Cora Sue Co«^ Diiecuon. If you read the reports of newspaper and trade paper movie critics, the above phrase is a familiar one. Today the cameraman plays an ever increasing part in the production of every successful motion picture. Through the exercise of his special talents, the exercise creating the one the story. He he he in assists proper mood and atmosphere for story. He helps to weld the work of actor, director and scenarist into an artistic comp work ot nposition. Du Pont Film Manufacturing Corporation 35 WEST 45™ STREET NEW YORK CITY PLANT • • PARLIN, N. J. SMITH & ALLER LTD. 6656 -SANTA MONICA BLVD. HOLLYWOOD. CAL. THE (SDJQBJ) TRADEMARK HAS NEVER BEEN PLACED ON AN INFERIOR PRODUCT