International photographer (Jan-Dec 1935)

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BALANCE YOUR LIGHT 15 10 ULTRA-VIOLET VIOLET BLUE | GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED b-~^ ""'"'' I "*•** *.^-*— \ \ B \ \ AT THE SOURCE 3000 4000 5000 6000 Angstronv Units Curve A — Energy Distribution from the new ho ampere Studio Carbon Arc Curve 6 — Color Sensitivity of Supersensitive Ponchromotic Motion Picture Filrr 7000 STUDIO lighting that is over-strong in yellow, orange and red must be supplied in excess of actual need in order to obtain the required strength of blue and green. The excess colors can be absorbed by filters to obtain balanced color tones on the negative but the excess heat is absorbed by the actoTS on the stage — much to their discomfort. NATIONAL MOTION PICTURE STUDIO CARBONS PROVIDE STUDIO LIGHTING THAT IS BALANCED TO THE COLOR SENSITIVITY OF MODERN, HIGH SPEED, PHOTOGRAPHIC EMULSIONS There is no need for speed-absorbing color filters. They project less than one third as much heat onto the stage as other sources of studio illumination operated at the same photographic intensity. PHOTOACTIVE HEAT RAYS NEW 40 AMPERE STUDIO CARBON ARC NEXT MOST EFFECTIVE STUDIO LIGHT NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CARBONS The new studio carbon arc lamps, using National Motion Picture Studio Carbons, are clean, quiet and steady in operation. THERE IS NO DETERIORATION WITH AGE THERE ARE NO UNTIMELY OUTAGES A high percentage of theiT radiant energy is concentrated within the most effective Tange of photographic sensitivity. They provide the maximum of COOL photographic light, BALANCED AT THE SOURCE for the requirements of the camera. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Carbon Sales Division, Cleveland, Ohio £^r Unit of Union Carbide HUM and Carbon Corporation $Z^zf„ Branch Sales Offices: New York * Pittsburgh ♦ Chicago ♦ San Francisco MORE SPEED LESS HEAT A BETTER LIGHT FOR BLACK and WHITE A NECESSITY FOR COLOR