International photographer (Jan-Dec 1940)

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NER Direction of William Wyler inted some liberty, Cole visits Jane-Ellen. Finds homesteaders I'.rly persecuted by cattlemen. Espouses their cause. Attempts eful settlement. Promising quick delivery of Langtry lock from El Paso, he persuades the "Judge" to help him round up marauding cattle from homesteaders" lands. ihermore, the triumphant "Judge" changes the name of his z,h from Vinegarroon to "Langtry" amidst drunken applause. Cole, sensing the jig to be up, secures in Fort Davis a warrant for the "Judge's" arrest — dead or alive. ng curtain discloses Cole Harden, with guns acock. The out'd "Judge" draws his own. Cole fires, leaps down and picks up. Terrified, Langtry appears, and the "Judge" gestures toward her. There he stands, bends to kiss her bejewelled hand, shudders — slumps — and dies. International Photographer for April, 1940 15