The international photographer (Jan-Dec 1941)

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PflTCIITS By ROBERT W. FULWIDER Patent Attorney, Los Angeles No. 2,224,901— Camera Dolly. Harry G. Cunningham, assignor to Radio Keith Orpheum Corp. Appln. July 20. 1937. 10 claims. A camera dolly having a substantially horizontal frame plate with a screw adjusted column in the center and a counterbalanced camera boom mounted on top of the column. No. 2,224,947 — Film Processing Apparatus. Jesse M. Blaney, assignor to Cinaudagraph Corp., Stamford, Conn. Appln. Feb. 21, 1938. 16 claims. A machine for processing a continuous length of film, and making use of a series of loops of constant length, with a loop of variable length adapted to provide a constant tension. No. 2,225,035 — Projection Apparatus. Alan A. Cook, assignor to Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. Appln. Dec. 31, 1938. 2 claims. A projector for projecting pictures to a screen below the projector, the latter having a horizontal lamphouse with a prism for deflecting the light downwardly. No. 2,225,219 — Filter and Sound Gate Mechanism. Oscar J. Holmes, Chicago, 111. Appln. May 28, 1937. 9 claims. . A film driving means which is driven by a shaft to which is attached a flywheel which alone drives the shaft, the flywheel being coupled to the source of power in a manner that prevents the flywheel from exerting a driving reaction on the coupling. No. 2,226,188 — Speed Control Assembly. Otto Wittel, assignor to Eastman Kodak Co. Appln. Feb. 3, 1939. 13 claims. A centrifugal governor adapted to operate at a plurality of predetermined speeds. with a brake member adapted to be moved to a position corresponding to the speed selected. No. 2,226,339 — Three-Color Film and Method of Makinc Same. William T. FAXON DEAN INC CAMERAS, BLIMPS-DOLLYS FOR RENT No. 22184 4516 Sunset Boulevard Night, SUnset 2-1271 EASTERN headquartersi RENTALS * SALES * SERVICE FOR THE CAMERAMAN PtoLaiAdOtuU Studia and Cutting Roam. ZquipmetU Available At All Times * MITCHELL — Standard, Hi-speed, Silenced and N C Cameras * * BELL & HOWELL — Standard, Hi-speed, Process and Eyemo Cameras * •k WALL — Latest Model Single System Sound Cameras * * FEARLESS BLIMPS, FEARLESS and RABY FANORAM DOLLYS. FRICTION and GYRO TRIFODS * INTERLOCK. SYNCHRONOUS, HI-SPEED and VARIABLE SPEED MOTORS with TACHOMETERS * 3Smm DOUBLE SYSTEM RECORDING EQUIPMENT * * COOKE SPECD FANCHRO and ASTRO FAN TACHAR LENSES all fecal 1 1 1 ■ t h » — F I LT E R S and LIGHTS * MOVIOLAS + SYNCHRONIZERS * REWINDS WE SPECIALIZE in REPAIR WORK on MITCHELL and BELL&HOWELL CAMERAS FRANK-ZUCKER CABLE ADDRESS: CI N EQUIP l-AMERA EQUIPMENT 1600 BROADWAY nyc CIrcle 6-5080 Crespinel, assignor to Cinecolor, Inc. Appln. Jan. 3, 1938. 9 claims. A process for producing a colored photograph which includes: Producing two superimposed positive silver images on a photographic film; converting said images to a blue metallic salt capable of reacting with dimethylgloxime by treatment with solutions containing a soluble ferricyanide, a soluble ferric salt and a soluble nickel salt; and converting one of said images to a magenta color by treatment with a solution containing dimethvlgloxime. No. 2,226,638 — Motion Picture Camera. Walter Riedel, Germany, assignor to Zeiss Ikon Aktiengesellschaft, Dresden, Germany. Appln. Jan. 30, 1939. In Germany Feb. 11, 1938. 3 claims. A motion picture camera having a pair of vertically aligned reels between which the film passes in a substantially straight line, with the lens located between the reels at their point of least separation. No. 2,226,639 — Color Photography. Karl Schinzel, Czechoslovakia, assignor to Eastman Kodak Co. Appln. April 29, 1937. In Austria May 9, 1936. 5 claims. A process of color photography making use of separate emulsions, the one nearest the support being a silver bromide and the one farthest away being a silver chloride, which is treated by a developer which acts on the chloride before a useful image is formed in the bromide. No. 2,226,971 — Motion Picture Camera. Leo Goldhammer, Germany, assignor to General Aniline & Film Corp. Appln. Dec. 10, 1938. In Germany December 11, 1937. 14 claims. A motion picture camera having a normally closed gate which is opened when the cover of the camera is opened, the cover having spring plates which bear against the side of the film and push it into place as the cover is closed, the gate closing after the film is in place. No. 2,227,201 — Method for Producing and Exhibiting Sound Motion Pictures. Oscar A. Ross, New York, N. Y. Appln. April 17, 1936. 5 claims. A method of producing foreign language sound films by recording the pictures and native tongue sequence on separate negatives, and then making a foreign language sound record of same length and word spacing, and combining the foreign language sequence and the picture into a single film. No. 2,227,269— Fire Protection Device for Motion Picture Projectors. Etwin May, Wetzlar, Germany, assignor to Frank Dumur, Lausanne, Switzerland. Appln. June 3, 1939. In Germany June 10. 1938. 2 claims. A safety device for motion picture projectors which closes the dowser before the motor is stopped, and starts the motor before the dowser is opened. 20